Cohen's Lifestyle *Moi's Cohen's Diary*

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New member
Ok here goes.....
I started the program on the 22nd February and my starting weight was 114.5kgs. I have Polycytic Ovarian Syndrome, so Cohen's is exactly what I need to do.
I have 2 friends doing Cohen's and one is at the refeeding stage and is a size 10 from a size 18ish.
I am married to a spunk (I think) with a beautiful 9 year old daughter. In June 2005 we lost another daughter, Catharine in pregnancy. It has been a long journey of grief and heartache with trying for a baby along the way. We tried the fertility drugs and other help but to no avail. I am now at a point where I don't want another child until my body is 'well'.
I am a personal Carer and hope to get into studying Nursing in July this year.

After a week..well almost I weighed in and had lost 4.1kgs and when I measured myself I had lost 15.5 cm's.
I am sleeping better, feeling better and I have no irritable bowel symptoms at all.
Hi Erica, Good for you starting a diary. You are off to a great start! Well done. It's good that you are feeling much better. I hope that your life brings joy from now on & I look forward to following your journey, xo Cate.
Hi Erica

A big hello from me too, and welcome to the forum.
All the best with the Cohens plan even though you won't need it if you
stick to it 100%.

Happy Losing

Hi Erica

Glad you started a diary, I think it is very theraputic.

Sorry to hear about your daughter. We also lost our son with our first pregnancy, and the second time around, nearly lost our daughter, but she was a little battler and held on for us, I also believe that she has her little angel brother looking over her helping her hold on. We call her a miracle baby. However we that is it for us now, too hard and risky to go back again.

Well done on you first week. So glad that you are feeling good from it aswell no irritable bowel. I love the way this diet makes you feel. I have never come across any diet like it before. I hope that it also helps with having another baby.

As for the weighing thing, I am a serial weigher and usually weigh a few times a week. I am restraining myself more these days and only doing it on Fridays, however at the start of Cohen's I did sneak a peek midway through for the week for the first 3 weeks. But now that the weightloss has slowed a little I am refraining from jumping on so I don't get disappointed like on week 3 when I only lost 0.7kg. I was so frustrated and upset.

Look forward to following your progress.
Thanx Sal, Sam & Cate.

Sal, I am sorry for the loss of your son. I now help other's that lose a child in pregnancy by bringing 'Treasured babies' to hospital so that families get clothing packs & memory boxes for their children.

So I had my appointment today and my consultant was very excited with how I am going.
I lost another 9cm off my basic measurements and I did hop on my scales at home and had lost another 3.4kgs. But I haven't weighed myself on them scales before so i am not sure how accurate they are compaired to the Cohen's ones.
Plus they are old.

I have to work the next 3 days, 1 day off and then 3 again. I find I get tired but being a personal carer is tiring anyway.

Poeple are noticing my weight loss already.
Hi Moi

Welcome and Congrats on starting your journey. You are off to a great start and the success will only keep on rolling in. Stick to it 100% and the weight will melt away and your size will drop!

Enjoy the journey and it's great you've started a diary because it really does make a difference, especially to those bad / hard days!

Take care.

Yesterday was a hard day

Yesterday while at work I ate 2 kingston biscuits....there I have confessed.
It was getting to me, serving the oldies their milo's and biscuits and I cracked.
I've worked out that if I have meals that i don't really like during the day, I am more likely to crack.
Breakfast I have a poached egg, fried tomatoe & asparagus but I feel like I am over the vegetable thing in the morning. I wish I could eat em at breakfast and then I could have curried egg for lunch...
Lunch I steamed some chicken, mixed it up with mayonaise and had it on salad....I ate it but I wasn't feeling the best eating it.
For tea I made a variation on my mango/chilli chicken but it was watery and once again, it kinda turned my stomach.
I really have to stick to things I know I like but I am finding it hard as I am sick of the same vegetables.
Think I will pull out the list and the recipe book and come up some new ideas.

This morning I made a mango smoothie for breakfast and it was really nice.

Back to work this afternoon and I vow not to have anything I shouldn't.
Hi Moi

I wrote all this info regards recipes etc etc and my internet must have been down.
It's so frustrating. Bascially I said to check out the recipe thread here for some ideas and said something like keeping your meals interesting because this is a plan which is very restrictive, and I also had added some recipes that I used.
Moi I'll send them to your private mailbag by the end of the day.
You are doing well don't let the deviation sidetrack just move on.
Take care
Thanx Sam, that would be great. I've made up a ew of my own also.

Well yesterday I had a good day and had a mango smoothie for breakfast...yummy, crackers, tomatoe, onion and mozzerella grilled on top...yummy.
For Tea I made chow mien to have at work. It was ok but for some reason I can't get it to taste as good as the first lot I made.

Today I have been extremely tired and feel like I'm coming down with something. I think it's from doing 3 straight shifts at work. I have today off and then back for another 3 straight shifts.
I have a friends baby's 1st birthday on Saturday. The good thing is that there is a friend of hers doing Cohens and we will band together with our fruit and crackers. I plan to take a fillet steak to pop on teh BBQ and bring my salad with me.

I'm actually starting to feel in my head because I know it's going to be a big adjustment to me. I've always been big. Even when I wasn't fat I was broad.
:conehead:OMG this smilie cracks me up as my 1st daughter was born looking like this...poor little darlin.

I am a bl**dy idiot. I've had 2 meals with Mozzerella and stupid moi bought the grated stuff.
Does anyone know I nice mozzerella? I tried the big & small ball greek one but didn't like it. Maybe I should go to a deli?

Hi Ez, Firstly thank you sweetie for your words in my diary. I needed a little TLC. You're a good judge! Secondly, I eat the Devondale mozzarella, 550g packet. I like it & usually grate it. Before Cohen's I would have equated it with what I call "soap cheese"-(Kraft cheddar) but now I really like it & still have it instead of regular higher fat cheese usually.
I found cheese slowed my weight loss down at times & restricted it fairly well. Also it can be quite constipating & that unfortunately is a common occurrence on Cohen's. If it isn't for you, you're very fortunate. Toss your grated mozzarella in the freezer for later, cheers for now, xo Cate.
Cate, thank-you i will try that brand. It's hard because we can't taste something and then change protiens if we don't like it. i popped it in the freezer and hubby and daughter can use it for pizza or something.
I will keep the slow weight loss/cheese thing in mind also as I really want to get my weight off in the minimum time.
This morning I had steak, tomatoe and mushroom for breakfast. I didn't really like it that early but I have to work this afternoon and I would love to have curried egg on crackers with salad.
I slept well last night and didn't even get up for the loo...but boy was I busting in the morning.
There goes one of my recipes!!!!

I am a bl**dy idiot. I've had 2 meals with Mozzerella and stupid moi bought the grated stuff.
Does anyone know I nice mozzerella? I tried the big & small ball greek one but didn't like it. Maybe I should go to a deli?


Hi Moi

Thanks for posting in my diary and sorry for not following up on those recipes but hubby has been hogging this computer for his investment forums in the evening.....all that $$$$$ talk. And also one of them was a mozzerella one so I won't include this now (maybe I will)
This recipe is a chicken meatball one.
weigh out your chicken breast allowance and had the herbs of your choice I always added a bit of dreid chill for some omph!! and mince up everthing in a food blender add half of your cracker allowance and blend I would steam this with zucchini and could do this meatball recipe as curry or serve with salad and mayo or B vinegar.
The mozz recipe was basically grilling the cheese over tomatoe, mushrooms and serving on a cracker or in a rush have a it served with cracker and tomatoe the brand I use is PERFECT ITALIANO.

I hope you enjoy your days off.

Sam, you must have ESP because I made chicken meatballs last night but I didn't put any zuchini or tomatoe in. I will try that next time.

Welcome Ez,

I've been out of town for a while, so this is me saying hello and welcome. Good luck with the recipes. If you want I could mail you the south african recipe booklet I got with my program. There's a lot of really nice recipes in there.

Another temptation got me tonight. I had a Kingston biscuit at work.
Right i've said it now I need to work out why....
I've been having so many doubts as to being able to do this, if I have it in me, can I really be thin and is the wight going to come off.
I have been a big girl nearly all of my life and being thin is unrealistic for me and time and time again, this creeps into my head.
Then I get annoyed that I have so much weight to lose and will I be able to do it before my 32nd birthday in early September.
I've got a few things coming up and wondering can I stop myself from having a few bourbons :cheers2: I rationalise having a drink that I would mix bourbon with Diet coke and not sway from my Cohen's eating.

Ok I will think some more on why I am having the wrong foods and try to come up with a plan to not do it.
Hi Erica

Welcome to Cohens and to this Forum! Its a really supportive and encouraging place to be!!

I can see that you have been finding it a bit difficult at time coping with the dreaded deviations.... My ONLY advice to you ... is... I'm sorry for my bluntness... is DONT....

Every time you deviate it makes it so much easier to deviate the next time... and you are taking your body out of its fat burning mode and it takes time for it to get back into the swing of things again.

I would LOVE to be able to say YOU WILL BE DONE by September... but I cant guarantee that... I was positive that I would be finished in 6 or 7 months but I am still not done after 10 months... due to some medical issues of my own. I know from other friends of mine that PCOS sufferers may tend to lose at a slower rate (but not necessarily...) One thing I DO KNOW... You will not be at goal by September if you keep deviating. If you stay the path and stick to it... YOU WILL BE FREAKIN CLOSE THOUGH!!!! :biggrinjester: Surely that's got to be pretty awesome!!

I have NEVER ever been thin! i have been big since before I was a teen and I am NOW in size 10's!!! (Used to be a 26!!) I have lost over 70kgs from my heaviest weight and 46.8 of those have come off on Cohens! YOU CAN DO THIS AND SEE YOUR LIFE CHANGE! I never believed I could do this either... but my first 10kgs... actually my first 5kgs showed me that this was possible! I have also realised that the fact that this has taken me longer than planned has actually been a blessing in disguise! I have really consolidated new habits and understandings about myself and about healthy eating.

Dont wish the journey away. Embrace it... however long it takes!

You can do this!

I look forward to following your journey!
