Modified Atkins?!?


New member
:p hey guys I'm new to this place! So, I have some questions.. first a little about me... Im 5'9 and 127 pounds (as of right now)
One of my good friends told me of this "modified Atkins diet" and how well it works. They lost 12 pounds in about 3 weeks... (yes I know its still mainly water weight but after that you start loosing more fat) anyway, their diet consists of---- lots of protien, veggies, and fruits... cutting out : all bad carbs (four, pasta,bread etc), sugar, coffee etc. Then, I eat 5-6 small meals a day and do cardio for 30-45 mins a day. So, I have done it for about a week now and have lost around 3 pounds.

I was just wondering, has anyone done a diet similar to this and lost weight?!?

Also, I know lots of you are eating 5-6 small meals a day. What do you consider as small? Cuz I feel as though I am eating so much and sometimes I eat a "small" meal even though I am not very hungry.

Also, I am wondering if I should just stop "modifying" this Atkins diet and go for it all the way... the only problem is I love fruit so I dont know how I can last the initial 2 weeks without a bite of fruit. :confused:

Thanks guys!
You are 5.9 and 127 pounds and you want to loose more wt :confused:

Have you spoken to your doctor about it? For your height you seem to be the right wt (may be a little under); not sure what are your reasons to loose wt but being seriously underweight can affect your health.
Just out of curiousity, I caculated your BMI (from ).

Here's what the Dieting Calculator says:

Your BMI (body mass index) is: 18.8
Further analysis of your BMI: Underweight

At your height and weight any dieting would not be helpful at this point (unless you are shooting just to eat healthier). You'll get skinnier, but not necessarily in a complementary way. You may keep your problem areas (flab), but your face could start to look skelatal and old--and you will probably lose some breast size.

Please trust me, the "starving boy" look isn't pretty on anyone. I've been there, and so has my little sister (who ironically is the same height as you).

My sis actually weighs 130 now (still low on the BMI--but she's healthy) and she looks great. She has virtually no body fat, but is she is healthy and has energy for the first time I've ever known her.

Her husband (an ex-anorexic who professional weight trains) taught her how to eat and exercise. Two huge things she changed in her diet was increasing her calories by eating more grains and veggies (and evil carbs :) ). And she also began eating breakfast every morning.

This increased her metabolism--making her more efficient at burning calories and giving her the energy to exercise and burn away the troublesome "flab." She rotates her exercises (biking, pilates, weight lifting) so she doesn't injure herself or get "too thin." It also keeps her from getting bored with it. This works really well for her. She not only looks fantastic now, but she's happy and energetic.