Mizuno' Be' Activation shoe?

I'm curious as to what this shoe is to be worn for?

I like the idea that it strengthens your feet and lower leg muscles but Mizuno says it is 'not to be worn when running'. That's fine, but then some online stockists are saying it's suitable for fitness classes and general gym use, while others don't really explain.

I did recently see a dance instructor wearing these to a fitness class so I assume they must be ok but does anyone have any experience of them? I'd like to try them but don't want to do myself any damage!

I am assuming that these are one of the latest craze of unstable shoes to stimulate different muscles as you move.
Personally not a fan. I love training on unstable surfaces, and do so often but that is under total control and I know what I am doing. When I am walking or anything else I want to know my shoes are giving me the predictable support I expect and let me compensate for instabilities in terrain etc. without having too much guess work.
I also know that most of us have good strike pattern naturally and having to regain this if lost involves costly footwear or inserts.

Others will disagree and declare these things wonderful, I have no doubt. I haven't tried these or anything similar and never will, I think if you are training well anyway the benefit of wobbly shoes would be miniscule compared to the potential longer term risks. Pure opinion obviously.
I believe these have been around for a while. As far as I know, they add instability to your stance which makes your muscles have to engage more to keep yourself upright. (Basically, what minimalist shoes do better.) The reason they say not to run in them is likely because most people aren't strong enough to run with that added instability.

However, I view these types of shoes to be minimally effective, though. I don't think they really add enough instability to make a noticeable difference in your body mechanics, plus, adding more padding and support to decrease stability seems counterproductive and possibly unhealthy for the feet. If you're interested in this type of thing, I would just look into a pair of minimalist shoes instead.