Mixing Whey/PWO shakes

What liquid do you use to mix your shakes?

  • Water

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Milk

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If I am at home and it fits into my daily Macros, I use Milk. If I am on the road or at work I use water. I prefer Milk just because I think it tastes better and seems to make them a little thicker and filling, but the protein I got in strawberry flavor isn't bad in water.
like falco, if i am at home, i use skim milk, i agree it seems to taste better and be thicker. while at work though i just use tapwater. not quite as filling or satisfying. but it still gets the job done.
I never use or drink milk at all due to all the sugar/fat in it not to mention the dairy bloat it gives me.

I always use water to mix my shakes in.
Water in wheyshakes - still tastes ok, basically I get so many other milk products in me during the day and to much of anything isnt good. Sometimes I have a caseinshake before bed and then I use milk(<0.1% fat) since it tastes disgusting with water.
IF my daily intake allows it, i'lll use skim milk PWO. Milk has a reasonably high Insulin index, which is a good think for spiking insulin post workout.

at work, i use water, because its not PWO, and I don't want the sugar carbs.
I always use milk when i can. I hate the taste when mixed with water.
The only time i do use water is in the changing room where I cant keep my milk cold.
Milk, provides 1g protein/fl oz, has a good amount of carbs to support itself.

Often times I use 1cp plain, ff yogurt and 1cp milk.
Wow, I was surprised at how many people put water. Propably with alot of other things, cause I tried to mix my whey with water once and it wasn't pretty. Milk all the way for me.
I use milk but i think im switching back to water and using milk only for PWO. The sugars in milk have a high insulin index. ideal for PWO but not for cutting in general