Sport Mixing Whey Protein Powder w/ Plain Yoghurt

Sport Fitness
I recently see a lot of people mentioning this, and i was just wondering how to measure the mixture.

The powder i have i usually mix 40g powder with 1 pint of water, is this what most people do? I just follow the instructions on the packaging for these measurements.

But when mixing with Yoghurt.

A) How much powder compared to youghurt do most people mix

B) Does the powder do just as much good in yoghurt as it would in the usual mix of water??

I'm not thinking of replacing shakes with power + yoghurt, this is more as a snack, i like the yoghurt on its own anyway, but with the whey powder mixed in it would be an extra portion of protein right??

Its a lot of hassle and you'll prob do it a could of times then go back to water.

You'll need to use a blender.

add 40grams of powder to 1 cup of yoghurt. You may find you need more yoghurt to thin it out, but try not to add too much or you'll be trying to drink it all day.