Mission: Objective

Well I signed up, and I'm here on a mission. The mission is to put on some muscle. 20 pounds specifically. The aim is to be in good shape when I start up training in Jeet Kune Do, or Tai Chi. I'm still studying up on the two to see which one I want to dedicate my time to. I've heard a lot about what to eat, and how much to eat, but I'd like some more suggestions. Something that I can use to help me out.

Also, the other big problem is equiptment. I don't have any. If I was to get some it would be on a budget, so not too much equiptment. So, if you could help me, please do.

I'll be extremely thankful.

All you need is a couple dumbells, a bit of weight and lots of good food. Start eating 5 times per day (ease into this tho) with carbs fats and protein, and do a full body workout 3 times per week with a day of rest between each workout.

Heres a sample workout you could do until you get weights:

3 sets of each
push ups
chin ups
pike press
sit ups

Im curious why u are picking between JKD and Tai Chi??? They are completely different.
Wes is right on that, but let me ask since you bring up martial arts.
First, what are your stats now, height, weight, age ?
Putting on 20lbs of muscle will not necessatily help you in any martial art, actually it can hurt you. But then again, i dont know what your stats are.
Some decent lean muscle mass can be an asset in such things as Judo and Jiu-Jitsu, but you speak of Jeet Kune Do, where speed and flexibility are key, which is Bruces art. Check out wesses avitar, a build such as that can benifit you more than a bulk in said martial art. But again, not sure where your at right now.
I've always been interested in the two arts. Tai Chi in the Western world is a bit subdued, but the original arts are so intriciate that it's just too interesting to me. Then there is Jeet Kune Do. I mean, do I have to explain that one? Haha. Both are amazing in their own rights.

But my stats now are 5'11 and 140 lb. And I'm 20. Real skinny, trying to put some lean muscle on and be capable. I already do yoga, so I'm not worrying about the flexibity side.

And are those squats done with dumb bells?
5'11 and 140....you have a build like me. And are REALLY hard to gain weight. Which means you need to work that much harder to gain the muscle and eat like a madman. Like wesrman said, lots of fat, carbs and protein and you'll be on your way with 5 meals a day.
I think there are two camps right now when it comes to Jeet Kune Do but I’m not going to get into all that. I think Bruce originally set it up to disregard what doesn’t work personally for you and to emphasize on your attributes. You can have slim and fast people working right along thick and powerful people. One using brute force and the other speed.

I’d suggest you try Jeet Kune do and work at fine tuning your genetic gifts. This BW forum is the right place to be!

No offence to Tai Chi folks, just my opinion