Misaligned abs??

I've been doing straight forward sit ups now for several months, have got up to 3 sets of 100 3 times a week and have developed a reasonably well defined muscle group. However I have noticed that the muscles are not properly aligned! (ie the right sided ones are higher than the left). Could anyone help me out as to why this would be and/or what I could do to correct it?

I was doing my sit ups without anything holding my feet down for the first month or two and I suspect this may have resulted in my body twisting as I did each rep - working the muscles in an uneven way....

Thanks in advance for any advice

i dont believe it to be a cause of concern. i've seeing pictures in magazines of ppl with the same thing.

i think it looks kinda cool myself. :)
Everyone has some imbalance from one side of the body to the other. Unfortunately some are more noticable than others. There is nothing you can do about it, except accept it and move on. I'd much rather see misaligned abs than a fat pot belly any day and I'm sure the oposite sex will find misaligned abs way more attractive than a fat pot belly too!