Sport Miracle Noodles!

Sport Fitness
I have found these noodles, they are a japanses noodle and you can get them in japanese supermarkets. Anyway, they are called shiritaki noodles or yam noodles and they basically have NO calories! not joking! They are just about pure soluable fibre! So you can eat and eat! They taste a little weird but they are good at absorbing flavour. And, almost NO CARBS!

anyway, here's a link that describes them more, though i don't saute them like it says to.
Hey hav'nt seen you for a fair while. Welcome back. As for the noodles they do taste like ****e
Haha, thanx, iv'e been busy with some school stuff and all and now im really sick :(

Yeh, the noodles don't taste to good, but if you boil them in some chicken stock they absorb allllll the falvour and taste great!