Miracle in the making, Introduction


New member
:) Hey everybody :)

I would like to introduce myself. I am a 31 year old woman from Iceland and I have been battling obesity since childhood. On top of that (and probably the reason for my obesity) were mental problems, alchohol and drug addiction, big time self-hatred and probably everything in between. Lets just say that my past was a living hell.

Some years ago I had hit rock bottom in my life. My mental problems got to be so severe that I had to claim disability and I spent some years practically not doing anything, and constantly trying to avoid the feeling of being me. My luck was that I met the right people, at the right time and they were saying all the right things, and most important, I actually listened to them and followed their advice and started my journey to mental and physical health from there.

Now I dont have any symptoms of my mental illness, and have been free from them for around 2 years. I stopped drinking and using illegal substances (3-4 years ago), and I even quit smoking (2-3 years ago), something I hadnt espected I could do because I had been smoking since I was 13 years old. The only thing left is/was the obesity issue that were mostly caused because of my food and sugar addiction. In January 2006 I had become a whopping 403 lbs and I was basically on the brink of being housebound. I was at the time working full time in a petshop, believe it or not. Dont hear about so many 400+ that are actually working. All my family and friends were terrified over my conditions since it was pretty close to being lethal. Then came my saving angel in the form of a good friend of my mother. She had started on a foodplan and had lost 26 lbs in few months. In december she lend me the instruction manual of the food-plan, and told me to look into it and decide a day. I had this instruction manual in my purse all through desember and thought it would be good to start in the new year. Then on the 1. january I went to shop and bought all the candy and junkfood I wanted and went on a big time binge. I saw it as my farewell to all that junkfood and sweets, and decided I wouldnt eat them untill I had lost all my excess weight. Then I started to read the manual at 11pm and I was studying it and preparing food for the next day untill 4am.

That was my beginning. Now I have been on the foodplan for 171 days (less then 6 months) and I have lost 81.5 lbs in all, note: that is a weight lost without a single minute of physical exercise. I have followed the food-plan to the ounce and my only cheats have been very minimal, as in 1 extra fruit or 1 extra slice of bread occasionally. I have went out to have a pizza 2 times in this time. The first one was my treat for losing the initial 66 lbs (30 kg) and the second was eaten on my birthday. Both times were planned and not spontaneous.

Well this was supposed to be a short introduction :p Hope its allright to have it a little longer then normal. You will get used to my LOOOONG posts sooner then later (I type as fast as I think, thats the reason for the long posts :) )
Again nice to be here, I think I will have a good time on this board.
Congrats on the weight lost so far! Your life seems to be on the upswing in many weighs.
Welcome !

Welcome to the forum. Wow, you have been through a lot. Congratulations on your weight loss. BTW, what food plan is this, if you do not mind sharing.

Good luck!
Nice to meet you

Welcome to the board! Everyone is very nice here, so I'm sure if you have any questions or need some motivation, we're all here for you.

Hi! I posted this under your food plan thread, but I wanted to make sure you see it...

I am concerned that you seem almost proud that you have lost your weight without a single minute of exercise. Exercise is SO important, for a healthy heart, for healthy muscle tone, for a properly functioning pancreas, and for so much more. I am happy that you have found a diet plan you believe you can stick to, but I do hope you will consider adding some form of exercise to your lifestyle.

I know when you are heavy it is hard to get motivated to move. 6 weeks ago I felt like a big bag of dog food with feet! But each step you take makes you a little stronger. At least consider adding some walking to your week. Don't be proud of doing it without exercise, because somewhere along the way you are going to need to start exercising in order to NOT end up looking like a floppy rag doll when you reach your goal weight!

I am rooting for you, and I hope you do reach your goal in the healthiest way possible.