Cohen's Lifestyle MiniMum's Diary

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
I'm not new to Cohen's, and am considering giving it another go. I don't really want to go into my past history on Cohens - I'd rather concentrate on the here and now. But, I do want to go into a little bit of my recent health history. I started going to a gym last year, and loved it. Unfortunately I was sick - a lot. I have some sleeping issues which I'm seeking help for and these combined with working out quite vigorously meant constantly getting run down. This, and the cost factor eventually saw me give up the gym.

I was eating well - counting calories - and was feeling and looking good. My fitness improved dramatically and I lost many of the aches and pains that I now have since stopping going to the gym. But while going to the gym, I also took up running which I enjoyed. Shin splints became a big problem. I need to do something about my weight - and hope to get back to regular exercise, down the track. But right now, Cohens is the way to go for where I'm at.

I've just gotten through a week of severe cluster headaches, and lack of sufficient sleep. Today was catch up day with housework. I need to be on top of that to be in the right head space. So I hope to be posting here regularly and seeing the KGs head downwards.

That's all for now

I'm very happy to have started Cohen's today. Suffering a lot from cluster headaches all last week, and it's still hanging around. The extra water I'm drinking is only going to help with that. I haven't weighed myself to start with, the weightloss is important but how I'm feeling, and the way I'm looking are better guides. That's not say I wont weigh myself from time to time, but I don't need it to be the main thing.

If someone really wants to do something, they'll do it. I'll be on the lookout for thoughts that could easily turn into excuses for not eating optimally for me and my health. Afterall, that's all it will be - an excuse.

In a couple of days I'll be less bloated and a lot of my aches and pains will have improved some. That in itself is a fantastic benefit, and there will be many more to come as the days go by.

That's all for now.
