Illegal drugs are for the simple minded. The only reason why drugs are still around to this day is because they make the people who are smart enough to stay off of them wealthy. Humans are not all the capable of making good decisions all the time. This is why we have laws. Laws are supposed to protect us, even if it is from ourselves. But it is clear that society can not legislate morality. This is why marijuana must be legalized. People will do this drug anyways, for any number of reasons. People are still doing marijuana even though it is illegal. So we must let the people who think it is alright to do marijuana be able to do it. This in it self will harm the users while the intelligent accumulate more wealth. Why do you think cigarettes are legal? Because the government knows they can’t stop smokers and they want the money they make from people buying them. People think they are free because they have the choice to do drugs. But what they don’t realize is they are not free nor will they ever be. Are any of us really free? This is a discussion for another time. There is a word for people who are free of these addictions, it is called an adult.
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