Million Pound Match Up Winner

The TV show "The Biggest Loser" sponsored an online version called "Million Pound Match Up" for couple to sign up and compete. Last night on the show they announced the winner during The Biggest Loser. The significance of this is that the winner is a friend of mine that I spent about 8 years online gaming with. About 7 years of EQ and a year of WoW. He and his wife lost a combined 73.4 lbs in 14 weeks.

He plans to stick with the lifestyle change, so I encouraged him to stop by the forums here.

Here is a link to his blog for the Million Pound Match Up.
Your friend and his wife should justifiably be very proud of themselves. Now, let's hope that both of them can get into a new lifestyle and keep the weight off.
The TV show "The Biggest Loser" sponsored an online version called "Million Pound Match Up" for couple to sign up and compete. Last night on the show they announced the winner during The Biggest Loser. The significance of this is that the winner is a friend of mine that I spent about 8 years online gaming with. About 7 years of EQ and a year of WoW. He and his wife lost a combined 73.4 lbs in 14 weeks.

He plans to stick with the lifestyle change, so I encouraged him to stop by the forums here.

Here is a link to his blog for the Million Pound Match Up.

That is cool. It's also cool that your a gamer.. never knew.
cool! Hope they come over here. That is one awesome achievement!