Sport Milkshack Shakes

Sport Fitness
In my city center there is a milkshake palor where I have been 3 times now to experiment some of the wonderful flavours of milkshakes they sell there.

First time I went in I asked them about what they put in it and so forth and they told me its 99% Fat free ice cream, semi skimmed milk with fresh strawberries. I paid for a booster and they put Protein in it for 60p but I was wondering is this a good product to have as it seems healthy enough; if yes are there any better fruit alternatives as they do loads plus would asking to put Muscle Builder instead of Protein be better for building the body, or maybe both?
99% fat free ice cream usually has a butt load more sugar than regular ice cream...usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup. I'd rather dine on rat poison than eat HFCS if I could help it.

so, no, they aren't healthy, and not even good for bulking IMO.