Sport milk

Sport Fitness
I wanna know how much milk you guys drink per day?. Ill start off by saying i drink about 1/2 gallon a day since i started my diet. What about u?
Between 1/2 and 1 gallon daily for me.
Prob about 1/2 gallon for me too. Depends what I have in my meal. If my meal already has 40g of protein I will drink water.
man i drink alot of milk but its expensive.....and since im on a diet im drinking only skim milk its good for diets.
1/2-1 gallon? I hope most of your workout isn't on the toilet.

I haven't been drinking much in the past few months, but I'm starting agian. Maybe 1/3 gallon a day.
I usually just have whats in my cereal. So not a whole lot. I'm trying to lose weight should I increase my milk intake. Also, I was drinking mostly whole or 2 percent milk before my diet but have switched to 1 percent. I can't tolerate less than 1 percent. And the only 1 percent I actually enjoy is Stonyfield Organic Milk which is expensive. 3.99 a half gallon. However, A half gallon lasts me about a week.
if your on a diet drink skim milk... 0g fat, high protien. Does alot of milk really make you shhit alot??
Toly said:
if your on a diet drink skim milk... 0g fat, high protien. Does alot of milk really make you shhit alot??

I can not drink milk :( only if it has very little chocolate or strawberry in it just a little, I usually don't drink it should I start? I know I need like 3 dairy products a day...any advice on how to get more dairy? Does it really help?
LeiYunFat said:
1/2-1 gallon? I hope most of your workout isn't on the toilet.

Never had any of those 'issues' with milk regardless of the quantity I drink.

Now give me a cup of coffee or anything from KFC or McDonalds and that's a whole different story :p
nureyes0502 said:
I can not drink milk :( only if it has very little chocolate or strawberry in it just a little, I usually don't drink it should I start? I know I need like 3 dairy products a day...any advice on how to get more dairy? Does it really help?

YOu cannot because your lactose intolerant, or because you think it's 'gross'.

I'm guessing the latter, since you can if it has chocolate or strawberry syrup.
If that's the case, suck it up and drink plain skim milk.
I drink none because milk causes inflammation. At least in my skin. I can say that for a fact. I'm thinking its not helping the inside of my body either.
Champr23 said:
I drink none because milk causes inflammation. At least in my skin. I can say that for a fact. I'm thinking its not helping the inside of my body either.

It makes me gag- but I just tried some soy milk and so far so good :D I heard thats good too.....
I was drinkin about 24-36 oz/day (mixed with my shake mix) but I started gettin a little pouch round my belly. I can't go to skim, cause my oldest daughter drinks 2% and the baby drinks whole milk. I just can't justify 3 different gallons of milk in the fridge at one time! Plus, milk ain't cheap. So now I only have milk (12-15 oz) with my morning shake. I mix the rest of my shakes with water. But it's Muscle Milk mix anyway, so I should be ok;)
I heard protein is better digested with water mix instead of milk. I use milk because it tastes better, but thats what I heard. The wife and I go through about a gallon every 4-5 days. I drink about 6-8 oz for breakfast, 8oz in shake, and sometimes I'll have some with dinner.