Sport Milk diet

Sport Fitness
Has anyone heard of the Milk diet?

i'm thinking of having the milk diet for 3 days. I heard its very popular in India, partly also because those villagers are poor, so they get all their proteins and nutrients from cow's milk.

i'm having it not because i'm poor like them, but because i had been pigging out these few days, 2Kg put on in 3 days, i feel so bloated and fat.

i want to "cleanse out" using milk :rolleyes: before rolling in the clean diet.
Chocolate said:
Has anyone heard of the Milk diet?

i'm thinking of having the milk diet for 3 days. I heard its very popular in India, partly also because those villagers are poor, so they get all their proteins and nutrients from cow's milk.

i'm having it not because i'm poor like them, but because i had been pigging out these few days, 2Kg put on in 3 days, i feel so bloated and fat.

i want to "cleanse out" using milk :rolleyes: before rolling in the clean diet.

You would be better off doing a juice regimen to 'cleanse' yourself....and then eating correctly and exercising. Fads like this are only good for a short period of time. Fads also are not the best for your body. The basic are always the best thing to do............along with consitency and persistency.
Hi Wendy,

Juices has alot of sugar right?
As for milk, it has proteins, which will use up more calories in burning them. am i right?
i'm thinking of just having this "diet" for 3 days, no more.
sounds like a terrible idea. Milk diet...have you SEEN the people living in India? no disrespect to them, but they are far from a healthy, physically fit society.
Im not sure I like the sound of this I'd say you will either spend the three days sitting on the toilet or spend it wishing you could go to the bathroom.

I see no point in this at all. You wanna start off your new "diet" the right way? Then start it right now and today. Drink plenty of water and start eating proteins and carbs.

Im just cringing at drinking milk and/or milk products for three days. Isn't there some sort of tall tale about not being able to drink a gallon of milk without puking?

Yuck. Stick with eating real.
I agree with the above posts, especially the one about juice. You're body doesn't flourish from calories alone, or lack of them. It shouldn't just be about weight loss, in my opinion. Theres just no way that a milk diet is healthy, it doesn't even have all the amino acids you're body needs, if you want to convince yourself with the protein argument. Aside from that, it sounds to me to be another fad diet.
Dairy is hard to digest and many people are dairy intolerant and don't even know about it. Stop even thinking of drinking only milk for 3 days. Dairy consumption should be very limited,
Seriously, if you are trying to get rid of a few pound quickly, and if you're willing to go the extreme route, try a sort of a 3 day detox. Instead of just drinking milk, drink a mixture of juice of one lemon, teaspoon of honey and a pint of water throughout the day.
Aside from the weight loss, you'll feel excellent.