Military-Style Training

Hello All

I'm lookng for imformation on military style training, my recruiter informs me that my best efforts to prepare myself for basic are nowhere near good enough. Besides running to hades and back, what is out there? Any Suggestions?
Push ups, sit ups, pull ups, climbing stuff (confidence course).

Please reduce the size of your avatar, its way too big, thanks.
Thank you

I do appreciate your advice, though I am doing well enough in those areas, I guess what I am looking for is more something that will help to build up my agility as well and my speed. The major boast of my fellow recruits is that I am not fast enough (specifcally that their grandmothers could outrun me), with specific regards to core strength and jumping (thus the nickname the cow that couldn't jump over the moon)... :D
Ahh, talk to evolution, he can set you up with some core strength routines.

For speed, wind sprints maybe? Im more of a slow and methodical cardio guy hehe :D.