Midnight munchies!!!

omg i totally feel you, i have the same problem. at night is the time when all i want is bad food. the only thing that works for me is not having it at all... but now that i got married and my husband has an amazing metabolism, he doesnt care about healthy eating... and its dragging me down with him, and i am the only one that gets fat and he doesnt lol the only thing i cant think of is maybe getting rid of all the junk food if you can and having emergency substitutes... like almonds, frozen fruit, jello, etc.

good luck!
I actually feel the opposite, I dont think throwing bad food out of the house is the answer if you have an SO that enjoys it. Willpower sucks! Lol but you can do it. :)

I think of it like this--- my child is upstairs sleeping. He is okay. I trust that he is okay because he is in my home, safe. If he were gone, I would worry. I would feel desperate. I MIGHT just NEED him to come home. I might become a stalker and cruise by the house he sleeps in, phone them, text them and press my face against their window just to remind myself that he is okay... lol

Same goes with food for me. If its in there, I know I am safe. I am more encouraged by my own willpower than anything. If I can resist the 5 pack of Reeses cups in my cabinet, the 14 bags of chips and the many 2 liters of soda, I can do anything IN THE WORLD. I am a super hero! Haha

Stay strong, my friend. Drink a bottle of flavored water and turn off the habit that coincides with the munching. The craving will pass. If it doesnt, go to bed early. You will be happy in the morning.
Great if you have will power! But for many when that craving at night comes, it is really hard to beat, esp at the beginning. I think it is best not to have it in the house :) It all depends of course on your SO, maybe he/she will support you by not eating those tempting foods in front of you for a while etc ?