Men-O-Pause is a Condition of an Acidic Lifestyle and Diet

Around the age of 40, a man's reproductive organs begin to be affected by dietary and metabolic acids and become less active.

This results in a decrease of the acidic hormone testosterone (which is a good thing) but a build up of other dietary and metabolic acids from stress and a diet high in protein results in lack of sex drive, impotence, erectile dysfunction, low sperm counts, frequent urination and other frequent side effects such a weight gain around the abdomen, depression and mood swings (which is a bad thing).

During men - o - pause, testosterone, an acidic waste product of reproductive activity drops off dramatically. This does not mean you need more of the acidic hormone testosterone - what you need is less dietary and metabolic acids and improved elimination of these acids through defecation, urination, perspiration and respiration.

A deficiency in alkalinity and especially alkalizing mineral salts, including sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate, can result in muscle weakness, muscle loss, muscle soreness, weight gain, frequent urination, prostatitis, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, low sperm counts, loss of skin elasticity (wrinkles), elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, sclerotic plaque, mood swings, depression and even hot flashes.

This is why I recommend Alkaline Replacement Therapy (ART) to correct the over-acidic condition and warn men of the toxic acidic affects from Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and its many symptomologies, including cancer.

It is known that alkalinity increases the bones' ability to absorb calcium, reducing the risk of weak bones and osteoporosis and the muscles to absorb magnesium, reducing the risk of muscle loss. Alkalizing mineral salts also lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, which is certainly no small matter, considering that heart disease is the leading kilter of men over age 45.

Many studies show that testosterone supplements can increase the risk of prostate cancer.


Because testosterone is an acidic toxic waste product of glandular function.

Supplementing an acidic hormone like testosterone would be like pumping carbon monoxide into your gas tank. Just as carbon monoxide is an acidic waste product of energy production so testosterone is an acidic waste product of a man's reproduction function and it is toxic to the blood, tissues and organs of the body.

This is making some doctors more conservative about dispensing prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy, particularly to men and/or women who have a family history of reproductive - system cancer.

Many of these high-risk men are successfully using alkaizing mineral salts, herbs, anti-acid nutrients and seed oils instead of testosterone to treat their men -o - pausal symptoms.


Because alkaizing minerals, herbs, anti-acid nutrients and seed oils are alkalzing buffers of the this acidic hormone, called testosterone.

Even men who are not at high risk for reproductive-system cancers find that alkalizing herbs, mineral salts, anti-acid nutrients and seed oils offer a positive solution to their men -o - pausal woes.

And for many men who do take the acid testosterone, the herbs, alkaline mineral salts, anti-oxidant nutrients and seed oils will allow them to take a lower dose of testosterone or even get off of these toxic acidic hormonal waste products!

The Fabulous Phyto-Nutrients

Many plant phyto-nutrients are alkaline substances or antioxidants in plants that buffer and neutralize the human testosterone acid and protects the male reproductive organs.

In fact, phyto-nutrients have been present in the human diet for thousands of years and is an alkaline source to buffer dietary and metabolic acids, including testosterone or estrogen, especially in midlife and beyond.

Photo-nutrient activity is also known to be found in pomegranate seed oil (CLA). Recently, researchers have discovered that the pomegranate seed oil (CLA) is one of the richest sources of anti-hormonal compounds.

Animal-based anti-hormonal compounds are often used to treat symptoms of men -o - pause or menopause, but many men and/or women are reluctant to use these substances.

The pomegranate seed oil buffers the acidic affects of testosterones and estrogens and reduces the negative health symptoms associated with men - o - pause.

I have found in my own research that alkaline buffers from mineral salts and seed oils can be very helpful in maintaining the alkaline design of a man's body, especially supporting a healthy and active reproductive system.

I recommend an increase in alkaline mineral salts of sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride to maintain the alkaline design of a man's body, especially the reproductive system.

For more information on these alkaline mineral salts visit [removed]

I also recommends 3 to 4 grams of pomegranate seed oil (CLA) to help support the male reproductive system and prevent the symptoms associated with male reproductive acidic stress.

Finally, I recommend the amino-acid L-arginine which has been shown to help improve blood and lymph circulation prevent and reversing hypertension, coronary heart dis-ease, hyper-cholesterolemia, and erectile dysfunction.
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Ok as a man moving into that age bracket I am interested in this. But as someone aware that new research is often released before adequate testing in the name of marketing I want to be sure the homework has been done.
Some of this appears to be based on poorly balanced diet 'diet high in protein' to quote, and unhealthy lifestyle, high stress etc. rather than genuine effects of age.
I know there are pieces of research out there declaring the effects of aging by showing the results of people who consider exercise to be changing channels or walking to the car, a balanced diet to be burger in one hand, beer in the other and sensible medication to be 40 cigarettes a day. This is because those publishing the research are making billions selling drugs for stabilising the effects of a condition that would be delayed or possibly stopped by a sensibly healthy lifestyle.
How does this research stand up for someone who eats a balanced, if high calorific diet, has stable weight, healthy blood pressure, no excessive stress and regular if frequently excessive exercise?
As far as I am aware, and I reserve the right to be wrong, hormonal balance in men does change over life but the effects can be countered fairly easily by eating well and keeping physically and mentally active. Erectile dysfunction is generally an issue with blood pressure and the body’s inability to control it due largely to poor health. I have known many veteran trainers in their 50s and 60s who have healthy and active lives. One particular biathlete in his early sixties had a wife in her mid-fifties who was more than happy to announce one of the reasons for their long happy marriage, and always advised women to find a good stamina athlete if they wanted the same.
My observation of others has led me to think the same rules apply to healthy living in old age as in youth, balance and keeping it simple. Please tell me where I am wrong, as someone who has not seen details of this research I am bound to be.
CrazyOldMan -- I'd be surprised if you get a good conversation on the topic from the OP, as I believe this is just an ad for some products. The tone of the post and website listed at the bottom kinda gives it away. I actually suspect you are probably correct in your facts.

I am however somewhat interested in the alkaline diet myself, for totally different reasons. From all the research I've done, it seems to come down to almost every disease/illness in the body is the end result of inflammation (of some sort). I've heard that an acidic environment increases inflammation. I've also heard that cancer can't survive in an alkaline environment, but I don't know how true that is. I tend to believe in the boring old wisdom of healthy diet and regular exercise myself.
I suspect you are right that this is simply an ad. I am however always interested to find out if sales teams can back up their claims.
I have produced data for many things, and those requesting it usually fall into two categories. Those wishing to learn, these want the figures to be totally accurate warts and all. Those wanting to sell, they virtually give you the results and ask you to find data to fit. I would love to say I only produced the first, but I have bills to pay too.
I am not familiar with the alkali diet research at all. Some of the claims look rather bold, especially that regarding cancer. This doesn't discredit it at all, most of the biggest discoveries have been realising how simple cures can be.
I would like to think our bodies would be quite good at mainaining a healthy ph balance where needed if we look after them sensibly, but I have been wrong many times before.
My concern would be that we could make our bodies a place where disease would struggle to get a hold but we would suffer as well. After all we are organic matter too, the same as most infections, which would be the thing likely to make an inflammation dangerous. I am not medical so could easily have got this one way off.
Boring old wisdom it may be, but I have seen some people follow this and do well from it well past the time when others have lost their mind and bodies to 'old age.' When it comes to keeing your intelligence and fitness it's very much use it or lose it. This is why I am never afraid to be wrong, being corrected challenges my intelligence and will keep me sharp, and why I will never stop training, they will have to nail the lid down tight to avoid me doing push ups in the coffin.
I would like to think our bodies would be quite good at mainaining a healthy ph balance where needed if we look after them sensibly, but I have been wrong many times before.

Ah, but that should be bolded. If we look after them sensibly. For instance, I'm fairly new to healthy eating and my body is still suffering from years of bad diets. Given most of the foods I tended to like were acidic, I have several conditions related to inflammation. Right now in fact I'm dreadfully run down and tired from sinus problems that I get every October like clockwork. I'm always looking for ways to improve my healthy. A huge portion of us have damaged these wonderful bodies that when working the way they were meant to, can heal itself of almost anything..

This is why I am never afraid to be wrong, being corrected challenges my intelligence and will keep me sharp, and why I will never stop training, they will have to nail the lid down tight to avoid me doing push ups in the coffin.

You go! Come to think of it, I may have them bury me with my elliptical trainer. Never stop working out.
The human body is incredibly forgiving and better at recovery than most of us deserve, myself included.
I eat well, and heartily, but my body has to do as it's told and I demand a lot. I am unforgiving of injuries especially because most of mine were in my youth when I was doing some very stupid activities and not expecting to survive long. I also view every issue as something to overcome, like epilepsy medication that makes me tired and uncoordinated so I train harder to increase energy and do ridiculous co-ordination work to counter the short periods each day when the ground feels vague.
I keep saying one of these days I will accept I am getting older and should accept not being able to do some of this stuff, but I never will. As soon as that bar is in my hand I want to shift every weight I own, an amount deliberately above what I can lift. When I am running or riding home I want to be there immediately, and am unforgiving of myself all the way. This explains the crazy.
Your past may have caused you damage but if you get on track and stay there, you will be surprised how well you will recover. If diet is your cardinal sin, check out the food pyramid and go back to basics. It's cheaper than the fads and generally healthier. It is harder than it should be to buy basics, check the labels. I bought some simple branded dried cranberries recently or thought I did, 61% cranberries the rest sugar and sunflower oil, won't get them again.

The trick with life time stuff is make sure it's something you enjoy. If you love spicy foods and sauces, make some that are balanced and bulk it out with rice or bread, vegetables and meat to get the balance. If you are a bit weird like me and enjoy bland food but have a weakness for the sweet stuff, fill up on the sensible, wait a bit then have fruit and a little sweet, balance again.
Anyone telling you their diet is perfect is lying, simple fact. However it is important to try getting as close to the ideal balance as possible, and use supplementation as a last resort, not the first, they can easily throw your diet way out of balance if you aren't very careful.