Sport Men + Fat

Sport Fitness
I know everyone needs are different, but how much fat (% in g) do you need when trying to lose fat? When is the best time to eat it? I assume almost all fat should come from non-animal sources?
you need to consume 20-30% of your daily calories from healthy fats.
a gram of fat contains 9 calories.
You should avoid all trans fat. 0 trans fat.

Avoid saturated fat as well. You should consume as little as possible. Foods that are high in fat but low in saturated fat are acceptable.

Recent health science says that mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats actually lower cholesterol levels. Found in olive/corn oil, eggs yolks, and... wish I knew more off the top of my head. They're referred to as Omega 3, 6 and 9 (mono) but on the food label theyre all grouped under "Fat". Subtract Saturated fat from total fat and thats about how much of the "good" omega fats you're getting.

If you're trying to lose weight only or primarily cut out just about all you can.

Most people never have to worry about not getting enough since most meats have plenty of it. One regular meal of any red meat should get you half your daily limit alone.
Well, 20% of 1,500 calories is 300calories. 300 divide by 9 = 33.3333333333
so 33g of fat. Fine to get some fat from animal meat, in fact you NEED some saturated fat to stay healthy, just not as much as the average american diet.
Yea, all I eat in terms of animal meat is chicken, turkey, and fish. They all have little of no sat fat.
its currently suggested we should take our fat intake and divide it by three to get equal amounts of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated. both monounsaturated and saturated fats have a good link to testosterone levels. and of course polyunsaturated fats provide essential fatty acids.
I rarely seen many foods with any poly or monounsaturated fats percentages listed on the nutrition facts. Do they just not list them or are they hard to find?
Some foods will list them but it doesn't look like the FDA requires it.

But you can guess which fats are polyunsaturated or monounsaturated by subracting saturated fat from total fat since sat, mono, and poly are the 3 major types of fat found in food. (trans fat is only in a small number of foods and usually in small amounts)
I advise a high fat high protein diet,

40% fat, 40% protein, 20% carb

but you should eat a large carb meal every 3 days to replenish your glycogen stores.