Weight-Loss Meeting w/ Nutritionist/herbalist



New member
Well.. I had a very interesting meeting w/ a nutritionist today and we went over a whole month of food diaries, exercise diaries etc. She also went into my health past and present and talked alot about my cycles and how they are. It sounds to her like I have a hormone imbalance where my body tends to store fat easier and have a harder time getting rid of it. The other thing we found was I really shouldnt be having as much carbs as i am having and i thought i was kinda low. She said basically, no bagels, no pizza, no muffins...none of that..and even things that are whole grain, only do 1 or 2xs a week. I was amazed. She said if i want to do my oatmeal in the morning have an egg w/ it (which ive been doing) or add peanut butter to my oatmeal while its hot which adds protien and fat that i need to get thru my morning. She also said that we all should be drinking the same amt of oz of water a day as 1/2 our body weight...so half of mine was 124 ..so that is how many oz i need a day. interesting i thought. Also she encouraged soy drinking for me w/ my hormone issues as well as tofu. I do like tofu so im going to start that again.
As for exercise she feels that is not my problem and im on target that way...so we shall see after a month how we are lookin.

I am from what ive learned going to cut out my carbs for 2 weeks, allowing later only 1 serving of pasta/couscous etc a week, and only 1 or 2 servings of bread a week. We shall see.
wow thats very little. I'm trying to limit how many carbs I have. I know that I need carbd for energy, but I'm cutting out everything but whole grains and oatmeal and the osscasional rice and only eating 1-2 fruits a day and lots of veggies and meat for protien. I'm thinking i should go talk to a nutritionist to figure out whats best for me to lose weight.
Apparently due to my hormone imbalance and my tendency towards a low blood sugar that high carbs in my diet messes w/ me...so they are recommending lots less except in fruits and natural sugars of course
me too... I would like my periods to straighten out and for me to lose weight like a normal person