Sport Measuring and Combinations

Sport Fitness
how can you work out how many calories are in a meal or snack?

is there a guide i can refer to?

people say "take in XXXgrams of protein" well without using suppliments or shakes, how can i measure how many grams of fat/protein/carbs are in a set meal.

With meals what ratio of carbs/fat/protein should be in eat meal?
check out they usually have information for nutritional data for things that may not have it on the package. Although, im not sure how many things other than fruits and veggies dont have it info on the package. All the information you seek should be on the package of whatever you are eating its required by law.

As far as a ratio per meal, thats not really necessary. Just try to meet a ratio for the whole day. a good standard is 40%/30%/30% protein/carb/fat. Just try to get most fo your carbs in the morning and PWO. avoid carbs before bedtime.