Sport McDonalds

Sport Fitness
watched "Super size me" long time ago.

Yea... Eating only fast-food for 1 month (he tryed anyway, silly man). Anyway, he damaged his liver, heart and his man-hood...

...on a side note, what was the movie that said "yea when I get a kid, I'll hit him/her every time we go near Mcdonalds. So that he/she will never have good childhood memory at a fast food place" (or something like that?)
<------ this is going to be stuck in my mind. Some one tell me!
"Supersize Me" was kinda' not really all that great of a movie. How many of us really needed to watch a documentary about how consuming to many calories will make us fat?

Also, he's a vegetarian that suddenly eats a bunch of processed animal foods. Well, no wonder he'd get sick.:rolleyes:

McDonalds really isn't to blame; people are to blame. Others have taken the "McDonald's challenge" (as it's now been termed) and Morgan is about the only one has really jacked himself up.
you know you'd think common sense would tell people eating this type of garbage would be terrible for you, but not so. i have 2 jobs working with multiple aged people - from around 17 to 50, and i think most of them dont know this type of food is terrible for you. marketing i guess, and poorer education these days.
on side note, i highly recommend "fast food nation". a great book IMO, on the incredible effect the fast food industry has had on the world.
I eat a number one (egg Mc with hash brown) with a large OJ every morning (mon-fri) for my second breakfast. And, I have for years.

I have been able to keep my BF at 6.5% for years.

Food for thought,
I liked the movie because it brought attention to the issue of fast food and how it affects us. It helped some people understand food a bit better and I think's it's great. The scene that sticks in my mind is where he throws up his food. UGH! :eek:
shimmering said:
so.. people should eat mcdonalds food every day?

It works for me. I am happy with the fact that they started cooking the hash browns in better oil a couple of years back. But, they are still not good!

I do it. I am an ectomorph. I am an acception to the rule. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo.

fine! ruin my well thought out speech, LOL!