Maze Must Try


New member
OK if you have done the MAZE don't spoil it for other's those who haven't done the maze take a second to try it.I couldn't get pat level 3 if you do post here how far you made it. NOTE THIS IS A SKILLS TEST AND GREAT SOUND EFFECTS SO TURN YOUR VOLUME UP,TAMMY HAVE FUN
oh my gosh...

That's hard! :D
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You'd better run because I'm coming over there to beat your freakin' ass!!

*why do I always---freakin always fall for shit like this!*
I was like "hmm the volume is not working *blast up more* hmm still not working *try again*" and then BOOOOOM! haha
lol it is too funny,I am such a mean mom I had my daughter do it and I had the video camera rolling it was hilarious...
me too. I had my mom do it.. and my sister... It was so funny to watch them so focused on trying to beat the third level! :D
Lol Xorie, I video taped my daughter trying to beat she had her tounge hanging out and kept shaking her hand and concentrating I was rolling!!!