May be the wrong forum - but advice on how to lose 3 stone!


New member
Hi; I've only just joined so very sorry if this is in the wrong topic!
I'm 19 years old; 5"4 and i weight 13 stone 8 pounds;
my aim is to get down to 10 stone; hopefully for my summer holiday (I know it's a verry big goal, but if I don't have something to work for I won't work!)

I'm really quite dedicated to it now; wanna cut out all the rubbish i'm eating and start exercising.
Any tips on great foods to eat, or exercise tips, especially for losing weight around the belly would be greatly appreciated!

Also if I have to move this topic, if someone could tell me where to that'd be much appreciated :)
Well, a lot of it depends on what works best for you.

I'd suggest 1) cutting out as much processed food as you can handle. Have beans, vegetables, etc. instead of bread and pasta. 2) Get plenty of protein - it's filling and good for you! 3) Get plenty of fiber - see #2 ;)

If you want to be sure on #2 & 3, you can track your food with a site like fitday or livestrong or spark people.

Unfortunately on the belly fat, there's not much you can do about it. As you lose fat, it will come off, but there's no way to guarantee where it comes off from.

I also recommend doing planks instead of sit-ups / crunches because the last thing you want is to get bigger stomach muscles to make your belly look bigger!

Hope that helps!
Here's a few things that helped me
1. eat SMALL meals -- nibble on fruits/veggies so you're never "starving"
2. Drink WATER WATER WATER (I didn't do this at first but was AMAZED at how it really works -- also hear drinking a cold glass of water in the morning (8AM) really boosts your metabolism)
3. I started off with random little exercises around the house -- I got a little 5-8 lb weight and would lift it during commercials / before bed.
4. In the beginning when I wasn't sure about "working out" I just moved around a lot m ore -- cleaning, dancing around the house, making two trips up and down stairs when I could have made it in one -- those kinda things.

Start small and make sure you keep up with it. You'll see -- I honestly believe that even doing the smallest things such as lifting a small weight between commercials really helps. (It also will give you motivation to keep going with it!)

Good luck!