Master Cleanse (a.k.a Lemonade Diet)


New member
Has anyone here tried the Master Cleanse? I've read that aside from the detoxing effects of this fast, that it can also lead to weight loss. It can help someone break cravings for sugar, junk food, smoking, drinking, etc...
I have yet to hear or read of someone dying from this type of fasting, although I did read of some people becoming extremely sick from Atkins and other high protein diets.
Any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I just did it about a month ago... It did allow me time to think about how I weanted to eat going forward and I have since changed how I eat. I did lose 20 lbs doing it. However, they say you will gain back half the weight soon after completing it. I gained back 6 lbs after. but I haver since lost those 6 lbs. I had more then enough energy and I started an exercise regimen about 3 days in. I started out walking and had more then enough energy to do so....
I've just read Lisa's Master Cleanse diary and found it very interesting.
I am planning on doing the cleanse starting June 30, my first day of summer vacation. I will do the first 7 days at home and then continue on at work for the rest of the 10 days.
I too will post my day to day (even if I can't make it the whole way), although I plan on mentally redying myself between now and then (just like when I quit smoking), set a date and mentally focus for success.
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just try to make sure its a 10 day period where you have no parties, bbqs or other engagements where it would be hard not to eat...
Detoxing is more myth than anything else -your body is pretty much self cleaning... just feed it properly - get enough fluids and fiber and you will be detoxed...

what are you expecting to get out of this cleanse?
I really don't understand the cleansing thing. I cleanse the outside of my body all the time and I go to the bathroom regularly, so I assume my insides have been pretty cleansed. I didn't start losing weight until I started eating at a caloric deficit.
Detoxing is more myth than anything else -your body is pretty much self cleaning... just feed it properly - get enough fluids and fiber and you will be detoxed...

what are you expecting to get out of this cleanse?

Well, I've had IBS for nearly 15 years and have many food sensitivities. I am bloated most of the time and hate that feeling. I've tried to go raw vegan, vegetarian, and eliminate the usual trigger foods, but always get pulled back into the wrong foods and thus begins the bloating and crazy food cravings even knowing that I will suffer later for eating them.
A water fast doesn't seem to be at all healthy, so I thought, based on what I have witnessed with the local raw vegan group that I sometimes associate with, the cleanse is a great way to break off all foods and detox from the effects of IBS.
Also, many years ago, before the IBS came along, I did the Fit for Life regiment and succeeded at it for nearly a year, and was happy with my health, but then one little piece of chocolate set me off and I've struggled since. I'd like to get back into Fit for Life once the cleanse is over.
Fasting is a common theme in many religions as well, so it has a long history in society.
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Well, I've had IBS for nearly 15 years and have many food sensitivities. I am bloated most of the time and hate that feeling. I've tried to go raw vegan, vegetarian, and eliminate the usual trigger foods, but always get pulled back into the wrong foods and thus begins the bloating and crazy food cravings even knowing that I will suffer later for eating them.
A water fast doesn't seem to be at all healthy, so I thought, based on what I have witnessed with the local raw vegan group that I sometimes associate with, the cleanse is a great way to break off all foods and detox from the effects of IBS.
Also, many years ago, before the IBS came along, I did the Fit for Life regiment and succeeded at it for nearly a year, and was happy with my health, but then one little piece of chocolate set me off and I've struggled since. I'd like to get back into Fit for Life once the cleanse is over.
Fasting is a common theme in many religions as well, so it has a long history in society.

I'll leave the fasting/cleansing thing alone, but why did a little piece of chocolate ruin everything?
Fasting is a common theme in many religions as well, so it has a long history in society.

As a religious thing - i grew up catholic -I'm all too familiar with Lent... Lent isn't a weight loss opportunity..
I'll leave the fasting/cleansing thing alone, but why did a little piece of chocolate ruin everything?

Up until that point, the only sugar that I had had was from fresh fruit, then I bought a box of chocolate for Christmas, then one piece was 2, than half the box and then pretty much the whole thing. I've found it hard to get my addiction to refined sugar under control, AND refined sugar triggers IBS attacks yet I'll still eat it knowing I will be sick after.
So, a cleanse, I believe would reset my body.

Any one else here have IBS and was successful with a cleanse?
Fruit fast

In preparing myself for the Master Cleanse on June 30th, I started doing a fruit fast, eating fruit only everyday all day. I've been doing it since last Saturday and I feel really good.
I am wondering if anyone else has done a fruit fast longterm, and if so, would they post some of their experiences?
Day 6 - Fruit fast

I've been eating fruits only and feeling good. I changed my mind about doing the master cleanse, I'm feeling good so I'd rather not mess with what works right.
Day 13 - 160 lbs

So, with the exception of Canada day, I have eaten exclusively fruits and fruit juices. I feel great and do not feel tired or drained.
I am wondering if anyone else has done a fruit fast longterm, and if so, would they post some of their experiences?

There was a guy that used to (might still) post on the Ross-Training forums that called himself "The Fruitarian." He said due to all the fruit and the moisture content therein that he consumed on a daily basis that he no longer had to drink water.

Right around the time he started posting a lot is when I quit reading that forum on a regular basis. So in a roundabout way, I don't have any experiences with it, but maybe you will find some helpful information on that website I linked.