many goals, many lifts, many questions

sooo i know the law of training specificity states that if you want to get better at something---then do it more and practice it.

case in point--i want to improve my hip squat. i want to train it 2 times a week, but i also want to progress in my front squats and OH squats, as i have goals that i want to fulfill in both.

i feel like i have too many exercises that i want to progress with to really dedicate myself to one though.

FOR EXAMPLE: squats.
for 1, i REALLY want to progress with hip squats all the way.
2. i want to keep doing front squats.
3. my overhead squat goal is still something i really want to be practicing more.

i squat 3 times a week nowadays...mon-front, wed-overhead, fri-back
i might change that to 2 back, 1 front.
then after 1-2 weeks of that, i might start squatting 4 times a week. 2 back, 1 front, 1 overhead.

... it seems like the only way i can fit all my goals in while progressing at the same time.

idk if its a bad idea though. i recover really well, but would it be better just to dedicate to 1 thing--like back squats 3 times a week? im not sure.

or would doing all the types of squats compliment eachother?

i dont want to over-complicate things, but at the same time, i want to keep the progress i'v made at all my squat lifts.

ie: i used to oly squat, and if i change my form to hip squat(power squat) for too long, will i lose oly squat strength?

wow, and then i have the posterior chain.
deadlifts, RDLs, Goodmornings, cleans.
i want to progress in all of them.
idk the best way to go about it though.

as of now, im doing GMs monday, DEADS wed, and RDL /goodmornings with cleans on fri.
would it be better to dedicate 1 week to each? 2 weeks?
i guess its up to me to find out eh?

please help me out, i need some wise input on this.

BTW: I am cutting
You might try emphasizing one squat each day and use the others as warmups or burnouts. For example:
Mon: warm up: front squat 1x12, oh squat 1x12, main workout: hip squat 5x5
Wed: warm up: hip squat 1x12, main workout: front squat 3x3, oh squat 3x3, burn out: hip squat 1x20
Fri: warm up: front squat 1x12, main workout: hip squat 2x12, burn out: oh squat 1x12

For rear chain try:
Mon: deadlift 5x5
Wed: rdl 12,8,6,3
Fri: power cleans 5x3, good mornings 2x12

Something like that seems to work well for me. I feel like i need to squat a couple of times a week to progress and do all 3 versions to keep the "feel" on them all. The rear chain stuff can be done once a week because there is not as much technique and flexibility involved and they all tend to compliment each other.