Man boob problem


New member
Hi I'm 18 years old and I used to be quite fat, now as puberty hit I lost weight and I also attended gym to help the weight loss and did a range of weight training and cardio

However my chest hasn't seem to have lost as much fat as I could, is there any tips that anyone can give me to lose weight or tone my chest up? If
Welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately we cannot target where we lose weight - it just comes off where it wants to... You do not mention your current weight - so it may be that you are still carrying a few extra pounds (although nothing like the size that you were) and further weight loss may help... I know that parts of me are very boney but I do have some pockets of fat that I would like to lose... If I lose more weight - I am hoping that some of it will come off a pocket of fat that annoys me...

If I were you I would discuss your current weight and body fat percent with your doctor and see whether he thinks that you would benefit from losing more weight...

Maybe exercises geared towards improving your chest muscles would help. Our parent site has a nice exercise search area where you select which muscle group you want to work on and it suggests some exercises. It may be that some muscles in your chest area would improve your appearance too...

It does not sound like you were ever anything like as big as I used to be... I used to be a very big lady... I am afraid that I had enormous boobs - and then I lost a lot of weight... I am literally half the weight that I used to be... I have a major loose skin problem which means that the only real solution for my boobs will be surgery... Sometimes this is the only option that is left because skin sometimes stretches too much and cannot shrink down on weight loss without the surgeon's knife... Since age is a factor and you are just 18 - there is every chance that your skin may not end up justifying this extreme action.

I suggest that you read the following thread - it may help you settle in and make friends

Good luck with your project.
You can try push ups, pull ups there are a lot of exercises you can do. but if you still have the same problem you may have higher estrogen levels in your body than you should do. you will be surprised how much food products contain chemicals that will convert testosterone into estrogen like plastic packaging for food even water bottles. pesticides on some mass produced fruits and veg will do the same. I encourage you to do some research yourself. I have even found a video you can watch