Mammoth 2500

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I just recently picked up a 2.2kg tub of Mammoth 2500 after talking to the store manager about supplements. I told her I have a small frame, and I just started working out recently, and I want to grow into a bigger frame before really toning everything. I mean, someone with a small frame with muscles just doesn't look right. I just wanted a bigger frame than what I had and then work from there. She reccommended Mammoth 2500 until I get the frame I'm after and then start using protein whey in your work outs IF YOU WANT. So I'll just see how this works out.

I'm pretty excited to start using it, but I just have some questions that I hope someone out there could answer.

1) Mammoth 2500, what is the general popularity of it? Like, what do people think of it?
2) My friend joked me about how if you take it and don't work out or don't work out enough, you'll get FAT. Man, I'm scared of that, is it entirely true?
3) If I stop taking Mammoth 2500, whatever I gained will actually stick with me, ala, my new frame, is this also true?
4) And is there anything else I should know before I start using it? Advice, tips, general knowledge about it?

Thanks in advanced!
I hope you havnt opened it yet cos you really need to take it back to the shop and smack the manager over the head with it!

Dont use weight gainers, they are just a con for people who dont really know much about diet.

You want a pure 100% protein. you'll need about 2 small scoops(30g or powder) mixed with water, that will give you about 25g of protein.

this crazy ass weight gainer is all sugar. it says that you need 235g of powder!!!!! thats a hell of a lots of powder, that would make even me feel sick. I'd have to dilute that in about 2pints of water to drink it, where I use about half a pint of water for my 60g of protein.

so whats in that 235g of powder? ...
sugar. Just loads of sugar. its called maltodextrine, which is a refined sugar, so your body will digest it and store it as fat even quicker that normal sugar you use in cooking.
From one serving of this crap your getting 50g of protein, 18g of fat and 152g of sugar (carbs)

Its the same with all weight gainers. Dont bother. If you want to add mucsle then yeah you need more carbs and protein, but eat proper foos and train right. Get your hands on some protein powder with the least amount of barbs possable. remember than an idea amount of protein is 25g, per serving with less than 2.5g of fat and 2.5g of carbs.
get your carbs from brown bread, pasta, wheat, oats etc... not from sugar.
plus, you're saying some really strange things. Frame = is your skeletal frame, and NO SUPPLEMENT is gonna increase your frame size. So, that's your first mistake.
Second, everything is genetic. If you're meant to be a small guy, you'll have to fight tooth and nail to get a 'large' physique.

I'm not trying to discourage you ...I'm trying to make sure you have a realistic goal in mind.
I hope this helps

1) Mammoth 2500, what is the general popularity of it? Like, what do people think of it?
If it's like all other weight gainers then most on here would stay well clear, you might as well chuck a Big Mac meal and a pack of Krusty Kremes into a blender and drink it

2) My friend joked me about how if you take it and don't work out or don't work out enough, you'll get FAT. Man, I'm scared of that, is it entirely true?
Yep, ala Cartman taking Weight Gain 4000

3) If I stop taking Mammoth 2500, whatever I gained will actually stick with me, ala, my new frame, is this also true?
I think you're just refering to your weight in which case no the results are no perminantly set in stone. If you stop drinking the fat juice and don't replace the missing calories with something else then you'll lose weight

4) And is there anything else I should know before I start using it? Advice, tips, general knowledge about it?
Probably just don't use it. The only useful ingredient sounds like the protein and you can get that far cheaper and without all the sugar from other suppliments
If you want a weight gainer why not buy some regular whey protien and some gummy bears? lol

Like everyone said, weight gainers are garbage. If you have to supplement food, go for regular protein.
Thanks for the informative replies guys, although now I feel like an idiot and slightly discouraged.

I did some research on Mammoth 2500, and most reviews were saying it worked fine. A friend of mine also used it, and said it worked fine. I guess I was mislead?

As for the frame thing... I guess I'll try to clarify. I have a small frame, I guess, to say, didn't know it was meant to be a skeletal frame, but when I say small frame, I meant that I'm really skinny. It personally just doesn't seem right when someone skinny, puts on muscle. It looks gross actually, I don't know if I can find anything to show you what I mean, but just think of a really skinny guy with muscles... it just looks too tight and no "substance"? I want to be able to get that substance, so my arms, or stomach, or chest looks "nice" when the muscles are there. I really don't know how else I can explain this.

No, I didn't open the tub yet, but at the same time, I won't be able to return it. Should I just toss it out and hopefully when the time comes I should go pick up some 100% protein like you guys suggested?

weight gainer is a rip off because its just protein powder, and added sugar. its not the smartest type of food to consume to bulk up.
if you really cannot return it, then use it up, and never buy it again.

as for the frame issue...I think I get what you're talking about now.
And the answer, is to balance out your training. You basically don't wanna end up with nice thick arms, and a weak chest...right?

well, you need to train the WHOLE body to avoid that situation. stick to compound exercises with free weights, and limit isolation to the end of your routine, and only a couple exercises.

if you train all muscles, the body will grow all of those muscles, so you don't look disproportional after months of training.
Thanks Malkore, I'll use it up so it won't go to complete waste and will carefully be informed for my next tub of protein I'll be buying.

Well, to be a bit optimistic, 2.2kg tub was only about $20 for me, was able to get a staff discount, heh.
If you can't return it and instead of it going to waste, take around half the suggested serving for a drink and use it as a 'emergency snack' when times are tough.

e.g. you are in a rush and you have 3 minutes until you go out and won't be able to eat for a good 2-3 hours, you might as well use up some of that weight gainer.
As for the frame thing... I guess I'll try to clarify. I have a small frame, I guess, to say, didn't know it was meant to be a skeletal frame, but when I say small frame, I meant that I'm really skinny. It personally just doesn't seem right when someone skinny, puts on muscle. It looks gross actually, I don't know if I can find anything to show you what I mean, but just think of a really skinny guy with muscles... it just looks too tight and no "substance"?

I think what you're talking about is guys who still have relatively small muscles but very low body fat so they still look a bit like a skeleton bit with bumpy bits. I think that so long as you eat right then you shouldn't have a problem there
I think what you're talking about is guys who still have relatively small muscles but very low body fat so they still look a bit like a skeleton bit with bumpy bits. I think that so long as you eat right then you shouldn't have a problem there

Yea! That's exactly what I mean. So just eat right and it should even out right? Thanks for that advice... I was scared anyone who was skinny would be stuck like that even after working out.

As for selling it to my friend, haha, I'm pretty sure he still has a ton left...
yep, you're just a skinny need to over-complicate things. you may or may not be a 'hardgainer'. if you are, you just gotta eat more.

either way a proper nutrition regimen and proper training will give you the results you wanna see.
You guys are bunch of idiots. Whey powder is perfect way for someone small in size to 'easily' put weight on in order to work on. Taken in conjunction with a balanced high protein diet it will increase size and power. What prat said it is a rip off? It only costs around £30 per tub and does what it says on the tin as does protein powder. If the guy is looking to add weight in order to build bigger muscle then Mammoth 2500 is the way forward.
You guys are bunch of idiots. Whey powder is perfect way for someone small in size to 'easily' put weight on in order to work on. Taken in conjunction with a balanced high protein diet it will increase size and power. What prat said it is a rip off? It only costs around £30 per tub and does what it says on the tin as does protein powder. If the guy is looking to add weight in order to build bigger muscle then Mammoth 2500 is the way forward.

Watch yourself, in speaking to my friends this way. :mad:

Open your brain; breathe in the circumference of the environment, and this will stop the dillusional implementation from the brain through the eyes.

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youu guys are all a joke. just saying it dosent work have you tryed it

the hole goal of mamoth 2500 is esacly as it says to increase weight

mamoth 2500 taken 4 scoops twice a day results in a 2500 calorie intake. there for no matter what size age or gender is the standard amount of caloric intake a humab bein should have to function. there for anything you consume on top of these shakes is addded caloories to your regular diet. it is not all sugar it is basicaly carbs carbs equal size one of the best ways to pack on weight. but as you asked you do need to workout with it not that you will get fat you will thicken up because you shud be only going on this supp for a 2 month cycle that is the most amount your body will absorb and gain size potential working out while taking this uspplement for 2 months is the perfect way to add size to what you mean fram not skelaton but to broden ur sholders chest arms where it targets due to carbs hitting your body in certain areas. taking this supp for 2 months whille working out at least three days a week on your chest sholders bicepts triecepts back should result in a great out come of ur body being thicker and also alowing you to workout with heavier weight than normal. after 2 months shuld stay at regular workout routine and just take 100% whey protein like strive pro - isl for instance aa amino acids not fat just good protein no carbs will let you then cut your muscles and tone up that shape. if you take this product for 2 months 2 times a day hands down you will see results. no matter how great your matablism is. recomended take one after workout 30 minute ap to get the 50 g of protein abosrbed and other one before sleep .

Mate dont listen to all these idiots slating weightgainer, they all feed off of each other and i bet you they dont have any professional nutironal understanding.

Ask any personal trainer or real bodybuilder and he will tell you to increase muscle size you need to eat above your maintenance calories and have a gram/to a gram and a half of protein a day.

Weightgainer is a good way to increase your calorie intake (aslong as you get a good quality one) and you can if they are generally good by looking at the carbs and proteins in them. The ratio between cars/protein should be somewhere around 3:1

As long as you workout and consume the product with a good diet you should start seeing gains. You may build some fat also but this can be cut during the build up to summer phase.

I take it your a hardgainer as you mentioned you are of smaller frame. If so gaining weight could be harder for you than most because you have a fast metabolism. This can also be looked as a good thing because you wont gain as much fat as the average guy.

My advice to you is sort out a good diet and write down exactly what you eat in a day. You should be eating around 3000 calories a minimum. The weightgainer would not be effective if you take it as a basis for a diet.

Once again best of luck, do your own research and dont listen to peoples OPINIONS on a forum.
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