maltodextrin or dextrose or waxy maize

Can i have some opinions on using these carbs for PWO drinks or which combinations you use and like? I have been using maltodextrin and whey, but i would like some more opinions and information.
I personally like waxy maize the best. I don't believe it works any better than dex or malto-dex however I find that I get a lot less bloated from WM than I do from dex.

That simple carb powder has probably been the most beneficial factor to my muscle building success. The problem is people take a lot of protein and skimp on carbs and so the protein goes to waste.

Let me explain... your body FEEDS on carbs, but if you don't take in enough it will take some of the protein you ingested and turn it INTO carbs so that your body has fuel to run off of.

This process is called: Gluconeogenesis... And you want to avoid it at ALL COSTS!!!

After a workout your body is very carb thirsty and you can use maltodextrin as a "shuttle" to transport proteins to your muscles at a much rapid pace.

Your protein to carb ratio should be 1:2

My after-workout shake consists of 40g protein and 80g of maltodextrin. Also don't forget to take about 200mg of Magnesium Citrate. Magnesium aids in protein synthesis which means it will get absorbed at a greater efficiency.

North Americans are also (on average) deficient in Magnesium so it can't hurt.


- FJ
Not to hi-jack this thread but do you guys also take dextrose/malto pre-workout? I know that it is always used post-workout.

Also a 70cc (protein powder) scoop = how many grams of dextrose?