Sport Maltex

Sport Fitness
I was shopping at a market, and I came across a product called maltex. It's some kind of syrup made of Barley I think. It was placed in the section for healthy foods.
Do you think it's healthy?
Is it a good source of complex carbs ?
This product had around 110 carbs per cup, of which 1 gram is sugar, and 2 grams is fiber, 16 grams of protein and no cholesterol
. Sounds pretty good on paper.
Anyone have a clue about the GI of this?
I believe that this product is also called Malt Syrup, but not quite sure about it.
Hmmm, 110 carbs, so 27g of carbs, and only 1g of sugar and 2g of fiber. where's the other 24g?

I honestly have never heard of this. It sounds like it'd be maltose, which IS a kind of sugar. In fact, its the kind of sugar I extract from malted barley, in order to make beer.

it might be a product native only to Macedonia, and not the States.
i have heard of malt syrup but i don't really know why it would be in the health aisle unless its because they consider is "more healthy" than refined sugar. what would you do with it? i don't see any reason to buy it unless you needed a sweeter for something specific.
Sorry for the late response,
Maltex is indeed Malt syrup

Here's the link:

This is the product I'm talking about

"Vitalia Barley Malt Syrup is a light sweetener made out of sprouted barley. It is an excellent naturally balanced source of minerals, vitamins

and slow-digesting carbohydrates. It`s rich malt flavour enhances many baked goods and candies. Barley Malt Syrup is well known natural remedy for all kind of respiratory problems."


Serving size 4g

*Daily Value %




Total Carbohydrate


Question: Is malt syrup similar to maltodextrin?
Is it a simple carb or a high gi complex carb.
Can I use it instead of maltodextrin to do a PWO shake (for ex 40 gr whey, 40 dextrose, 40 gr malt syrup) ?
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well, this talks about being a sweetner, but malto-dextrin is not very sweet compared to cane sugar...that's one of the reasons people want malto vs. straight dextrose, which is quite sweet tasting.

the other reason is malto doesn't stimulate the stomach lining like dextrose, which makes some people feel bloated after a PWO shake.

I really can't tell you much more than that, except to say it sounds similar to the process they use to make malted barley, for beer.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this stuff is probably not what you want. I think they call it healthy because its really sweet, so you use less, thus 'lower calorie'.

It being a remedy for 'respiratory problems' sounds like snake oil to me.

I am from Macedonia but living in New Zealand and i can not find Maltex anywhere.
Do you know a website i could order it from? As that vitalia website does not work.
