Male + lovehandles = not lovable


New member
I have been walking my butt off, trying to slim up, but it seems no matter what my love handles will not go away. And its strange, because the rest of my body looks pretty normal. I just have these child bearing hips because of them. Is there any particular exercise that works that area?
I'm female and I have 'lovehandles' also, even though I've lost 20 lbs off almost everywhere. They will go down eventually. Mine are a lot smaller than they were before I started on this lifestyle change.

~ Sara Maria ~
The best advice I can give is to let you know that spot reduction is a myth. In other words, one cannot get rid of their belly by doing hundred of crunches a day. You should continue with the cardio and definitely incorporate some high-intensity strength training as well. Pick four movements, a pushing movement, a pulling movement, a leg movement, and a core movement. Perform these four in a circuitous fashion for as many rounds as you can within 20-30 minutes. As for a rep scheme, be creative. Some days, you could go lighter with 15 reps for all of them, while others you could make it heavier and lower the reps to about 8. Now get to crackin' on them child bearing hips :p
I had love handles from childhood and the only thing that worked on min where cardio with dead lifts. But don't do them if you have a bad back at all. Also start with a really low weight and work your way up. It is very easy to pull a back muscle doing them so don't over do it.