Weight-Loss Making a Plan for Losing Weight



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Hi, I am a student at Virginia Tech and I want to lose some weight. I wanted to plan out what meals I would eat but I wanted some advice.

For my meals I plan to have:
Breakfast: spiced apples and boiled eggs or bagel with egg (includes yolk)
Lunch: sushi or sandwich with turkey, roast beef, and cole slaw
Dinner: smoothie -->

Does this seem like a good meal plan to have in order to lose weight?

edit: Never mind about the sandwich, after looking up the nutritional facts it has 108% of the daily amount of sodium
Breakfast: Bagels are not that good for you. There's not much nutrition there and a whole ton of carbs. Slow Cooked Oatmeal would be good.
Lunch: if it's processed meats, than yea, lots of salt (and other garbage). Hard boiled eggs ... leftovers from last night
Dinner: you need way more than a smoothie. You need solid food. Good pre / post workout, but not as a meal.

Overall, it doesn't really matter. It's all about calories in / calories out. Burn more calories than you consume (but don't eat too few calories, otherwise your body will hate you - sleep deprivation, upset stomach, trouble concentrating, etc, etc).

The simplest way to do this is substitute vegetables in for something else. If you go with the same meal size, but half your plate is vegetables, you will reduce your calories and still be eating healthy.