Sport Making a fitness spreadsheet on excel...need advice.

Sport Fitness
Hellos to all....

As the title mentions I am in the process of building a very VERY detailed excel spreadsheet for a majority of things that concerns fitness and whatnot.

Up till now I have included a sheet for calorie calculations...BMR...Daily caloric needs...a Meal planner with a huge database of foods with macronutrient info...I will also make a detailed weekly workout planner with a huge database of images with every exercise you can use to work on whichever muscles you want to work on...I feel there is more I could add to this and this is why I've come here for your help...What other useful things could I put in there? No matter how insignificant you think your idea can be I want to hear it...I would like to make this more or less like a group project....something for the people by the people if you will...

I also want to make this spreadsheet as user friendly as possible...of you have any suggestions on how the spreadsheet should look, please go ahead and PM me.

Hope to hear from ya!

You could start with cherry picking any of the usual info found on a standard ' Nutrition Facts Label.'

Beyond that, perhaps also add a Glycemic Index score and or a Glycemic Load score.

btw - have you looked at ?