Weight-Loss Make This Memorial Day Memorable Challenge



New member
I'm hoping there is enough interest (and no conflict)with creating a new challenge.

I have been in a few challenges on this forum myself in the past, and they were a great boost to my weight loss and motivation. I am now trying to get back on track in earnest (after a period of RL tragedy), and need a challenge to get rolling!

Was thinking of a 6 or 8 week run of weekly challenges, with awarded points. The amount of teams will depend on the amount of those wanting to participate. Winning team gets bragging rights. :biggrinjester:

The response will dictate if/when this show will begin! All comments are welcome!
I always love joining challenges. Count me in!
I really need the motivation of a challenge. Definitely count me in too!

Give us more details!!! And I want first dibs on Omega's team, she is MAD competitive and HIGHLY motivated for fat loss. Just what I need right now.
I'm thinking of points awarded each week in 2 diff areas:
-points for weight loss
-points for meeting specific weekly challenge

Also, I was hoping that this would also be a building on sort of challenge, meaning for each challenge, one would still expect to be continuing to do the previous week(s) challenge also!
Claudia - I want all our weight loss projects to succeed - we can do it together. I am here whenever you need me.

Thanks Margaret, that's very kind of you. I think I need to stop by your diary and see where you're finding all this motivation!
OK folks, I have jotted down all my ideas for the the weekly challenges.

The challenge will start this Monday, April 7th, and run for 7 weeks, the final weigh in on Memorial Day.

5 points will be awarded for a loss of .5 or more
additional points will be awarded from completing weekly challenges.

Please sign up if interested- teams (if applicable) to be determined depending on participation.
The Memorial day I am referring to is the US holiday to observe/remember those who have died serving our country.

It is observed the last monday in the month of May, this year that falls on MONDAY MAY 26, 2008.
In the UK we have a very similar event on Remembrance Day which is the 11th November - but is often observed on the nearest Sunday to that date too. In the UK it is not classed as a public holiday though.
I am in! I really like the idea of a 'build up' challenge (if I understand). And starting this one before I get eliminated from amazing race would give me a good long run of straight challenge time which I need!

Do we look for our own teamies or get assigned?
Challenge starts in a few days!

Teams (if we have enough) will be determined randomly based on sign ups.

Challenge starts on a Monday, weigh-ins are Mondays.

Points awarded weekly in 4 areas:
-a weight loss of at least .5lbs every week =5pts
-"formal" physical exercise* totaling min. 90 minutes each week =5pts
-completing the weekly bonus =points to be determined
-completing previous weeks challenges as build-on =5pts per week
-meeting your weight loss goal for entire challenge =20pts
(please make this a realistic goal)

The Weekly Challenge will be posted within 48 hours of the monday it begins.

The weekly bonus will be on a build on basis, meaning for example: during week 3 you will be working on that challenge and still doing week 1, and week 2 challenges.

*-any form of cardio like walking, running, eliptical etc.

All points for the week must be calculated no later than Tuesday night.

Please sign up on the seperate sign up thread! Copy the information below and paste on the new Sign Up thread!

Starting Weight on 4/7/08:
Goal Weight by 5/26/08:
Weigh in 04/14/08:
Weigh in 04/21/08:
Weigh in 04/28/08:
Weigh in 05/05/08:
Weigh in 05/12/08:
Weigh in 05/19/08:

------------------(Wt loss pts)+(Exer pts)+(Bonus pts) =
Week of 04/07/08: --------
Week of 04/14/08:
Week of 04/21/08:
Week of 04/28/08:
Week of 05/05/08:
Week of 05/12/08:
Week of 05/19/08:
Day of 05/26/08: Meeting Goal bonus points =

Total points for challenge=

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So since there does not appear to be alot of people signing up can we just all be on our own team?

I am fine with whatever, just an idea.
New here

I am new here but these challenges are exactly what I was looking for when I came here! I am 23 years old 5'9'' and 163 lbs. I am not overweight but I am not in great shape either. Over the past few months I gained nearly 20 lbs. I would love to lose all 20 back total but realistically for this challenge I would like to lose 13 lbs I don't know how these challenges work as I am new here. Do I add up my own points then post them or what? I will sign up on the sign up forum. Can't wait to get started!
WEEK 1 CHALLENGE(starting April 7th)

This week's challenge will start with the basics for successful weightloss: Eating within a realistic caloric range for weight loss/maintenance and tracking/journaling what you are eating.

If you don't know your caloric goal for weightloss, here is a link :

Journaling can be done online in a diary, or at home on paper.

Give yourself +1 point for each day you journal/track you food intake.
Give yourself +1 point for staying within 100 calories of your target calorie intake

[For a maximum of 14 points this week]
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As of this posting there are 7 signed up.

If we get more to sign up, I may decide to divide us into 2 random teams. I we check and post tomorrow night about the possibility of teams- an even number would be required.

The weekly bonus will be on a build on basis, meaning for example: during week 3 you will be working on that challenge and still doing week 1, and week 2 challenges.

WEEK 1 CHALLENGE(starting April 7th)

This week's challenge will start with the basics for successful weightloss: Eating within a realistic caloric range for weight loss/maintenance and tracking/journaling what you are eating.

If you don't know your caloric goal for weightloss, here is a link :

Journaling can be done online in a diary, or at home on paper.

Give yourself +1 point for each day you journal/track you food intake.
Give yourself +1 point for staying within 75 calories of your target calorie intake

[For a maximum of 14 points this week]

This means that we would have to count calories for the full duration of the challenge. I am not willing to do this for 7 weeks (one week on other challenges is hard enough and always the hardest part of any challenge for me) as calorie counting always puts my project into a danger zone. I have therefore resigned from this challenge. Please do not include my name when building teams.

I have managed to lose a lot of weight quite successfully without counting calories. I will stick to what works for me.

I hope everyone enjoys the challenge and I wish you all much success with it.
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I was wondering if this might be a problem- lots of weightloss methods/programs dont rely on "counting calories", as it were.

Since this 1st week challenge is 2 parts, the solution could be to to do both the first week, and only continue journaling as the build on aspect.

That sound reasonable? Would hate to lsoe anyone.
I want the chellenge to be fun, but doable for all!