Major Help Needed In Toning Body

Hi, my name is Dan. Im 22 and currently living in residence at the University Of Waterloo. I recently started going to my schools gym in an attempt to do two things

1) Trim the fat on my rear, waist and midsection

2) If possible gain some muscle mass on my upperbody

I go to the gym about six times a week usually after diner, and run on a treadmill for a half hour (total distance of 3.5 kilometers or 2.17 miles total) and then use a number of weight machinges including an ab cruncher, free weights and and rowing machine. The thing is I dont seem to be loosing much weight or gaining much muscle. My legs are firmer but my main goal is to trim of my ass and love handles, but this isnt working. Also, im pretty skinny right now (about 6 feet and 150-155 pounds) and the weight i seem to be losing is muslce not fat. Its frustrating. Any tips or suggestions?
Are you lifting the same way 6 times a week? If you are, you will get weaker and weaker. First, if you are running only 2.17 miules in a half hour - run faster! At 22 yrs old and thin, you should get at least 4 miles in! Second. lift HEAVY weights. That means what you can lift for only 4-6 reps. If you can do 7 or more reps, it's too light. Third, after you lift with a certain muscle group, give it the next two days off. Example: lift heavy with the legs Sunday & Wednesday, Chest and Shoulders on Monday & Thursday, and Back, Lats, & Biceps on Tuesday and Friday. That way you are lifting six days a week, but each muscle group only gets hit twice a week (so it can rest, recover, and rebuild). Fourth, eat a lot of protein. Try to get 20-30 grams every 4 hours or so. If not, your body will cannibalize muscle tissue whenever it needs some amoni acids. Most important of all, lift HEAVY. Short but intense workouts, and rest the muscles in between.