Maintain weight, but lose the fat?


New member
Hey everyone sorry if this is in the wrong place this is my first time.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to maintain my weight, but lose some of my fat in exchange for muscle.

Currently I am lifting weights 5 times a week, usually with a short cardio workout at the end, like a lifting circuit, sprints, or

interval running lasting about 10 minutes.

Thanks for the help!
the hardest part about lifting a lot of weight is that you will start to bulk up and make it harder to see the fat loss. Lifting weights will definitely help you lose fat, but the key is healthy eating and cardio. Nothing replaces cardio in losing weight.
It can be hard to lose fat and gain significant muscle mass at the same time. I say focus on one or the other.

Lose the fat first by doing the cardio and eating right, then focus on weight training and a high protein diet to build muscle.