Magnum Quattro

Hi guys,

Just curious if you could give me your thoughts on the protein powder I have been using. Its called Magnum Quattro
Here are the nutritional facts:
(per 64g serving, 2 scoops)
Cal - 264
Protein - 60g
Carbs - 3g
Fiber - 1g
Fat - 1.5g
Cholesterol - 6.9mg
Sodium - 101mg
Calcium - 408mg

Also one person mentioned to me that it may be too much for me (122lbs 5'4") I have been taking one serving a day immediatly after my workout. Thanks in advance :)
2 scoops is probably a bit excessive. 1 scoop should be more than enough, but i would also mix in some dextrose and/or maltodextrin if you're taking it post work-out.

does that stuff taste any good? it looks like it has a decent protein/calorie ratio...
thanks for the reply!:) Yeah it actually tastes pretty good, better than any other protein powder I have previously tried. I have the vanilla flavour. alot of times I add the powder to a smoothie (usually berries of some sort and fat free plain yogurt) other times I just mix it with water if I'm not near a blender.
The chocolate one is absolutely delicious...

Im a football lineman in university, am using fact abUSING it right now, total intake of around 400g of prots a day, workout or not. Id be throwing up all the time if it wasnt for that delicious taste! Results are great too: bulk = yay