Sport Macro's

Sport Fitness
Quick question about macro nutrients.

do you need to have different macro balances depending on how you are training?

For example, are your macro levels different during bulking as opposed to cutting?

What balances do you guys use?

I've also wondered...I've heard that ideally during training you should shoot for about 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight, for example I would be 147 grams of protein.

BUT this doesnt work into my macro calculations very well....does that mean that I need to try and pack on more muscle mass to get my balances correct?
Quick question about macro nutrients.

do you need to have different macro balances depending on how you are training?

For example, are your macro levels different during bulking as opposed to cutting?

What balances do you guys use?

I've also wondered...I've heard that ideally during training you should shoot for about 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight, for example I would be 147 grams of protein.

BUT this doesnt work into my macro calculations very well....does that mean that I need to try and pack on more muscle mass to get my balances correct?

And why is that ?
Um not 100% sure that I'm doing it right...but, for example, when I do 30% protein... on 147 lbs it works out to be 170 g. of protein.

not even sure if 30% is a good percentage or not.

but how I was told to figure macro nutrients and grams out was...

1 gram of protein = 4 calories.

so for 30% the math would look like this...

2300 calories (my target daily calories so that I have a 300 calorie deficit)
2300 * .3 690 calories
690/4 calories = 172.5 grams.

does that look correct to you?
I read at that more than 1 gram per lb of body weight is too much for your body. don't know the validity of that info either. up until today menshealth has been my only source for information. I am blown away with the wealth of knowledge on this site just from the small amount of browsing I've managed to do.
do you need to have different macro balances depending on how you are training?

Quite possibly. For example, endurance athletes often carbo-load, while some weight lifters and body builders and others prefer a low-carb diet.

I've also wondered...I've heard that ideally during training you should shoot for about 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight, for example I would be 147 grams of protein.

Training for what? 1g/lb is commonly thrown around because it is easy to remember, and covers nearly all types of athletes (except perhaps elite weight lifters in some situations). But many people don't need that much. It depends on what exercise you are doing. You may want to read the following:
On non training days you should lower your carb intake somewhat since you won't really need them. Look up the carb cycling codex on t-nation for some ideas.
amp if one were to bulk, would they need to cycle carbs? im just asking as im bulking and take in about 400g each day of carbs. is that too many?

my intakes are usually (using today as an example)
123g fat 30%
415g carb 42%
237protein 26%
I think that cycling carbs would help keep fat gain to a minimum. Is it necessary, no, but it may be beneficial to somewhat lower your carb intake on off days. You should check out that codex, I'm not exactly an expert but I have been starting to do a lot of research and looking into the effects of carbs on certain training plans. Here's the link if you want: CARB-CYCLING CODEX However your macros look pretty good if you don't think that carb cycling is right for you.
amp if one were to bulk, would they need to cycle carbs? im just asking as im bulking and take in about 400g each day of carbs. is that too many?

my intakes are usually (using today as an example)
123g fat 30%
415g carb 42%
237protein 26%

There are a couple of ways to ballpark an estimate of calories for bulking - including carbs - IMO. One way is to simply calculate your ' maintenance calories ' and add 20% to that. Or, take your present weight and multiply it by anywhere from 25 - 30 calories per pound of bodyweight. As for your macro-nutrient allocation, there is no hard and fast rule for the proper nutrient allocation for protein, carbs and fat for bulking , though some guidelines seem referred to more often than some others. I'd just lock into a given protein and fat guideline of your choice based on however your ' bulk ' maintenance calories are calculated and then simply plug for your suggested carb intake.

With regards to guidelines that seem referred to more often than some others The rule of thumb intake for protein ( that's already been mentioned ) and mass gain ( at least for most gym rats ) that you see most often is 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight . Recommended fat intake is usually cited as anywhere from 25% - 35% of of your daily maintenance calories. In this context , if it were me, I'd then simply plug for carbs. So, for example, here is one possible approach....

1. Figure out your ' daily maintenance calories to bulk ' using either the Harris formula ( here's an on-line calculator ) plus 20% or 25 - 30 calories per pound of bodyweight, or some other way......

2. Figure out what the calorie equivalent of approx. 1 gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight is ( 1 gram of protein is 4 calories ). That is your protein target for the day.

3. Target your fat intake to be 25% for now ( you can bump it higher if you like ) of the ' daily maintenance calories to bulk ' number you get from the Harris or other formula.( 1 gram of fat is 9 calories )

4. Subtract the fat and protein calories calculated above in 2) & 3) from your ' daily maintenance calories to bulk ' and you're left with a ballpark estimate of the carb calories you need ( 1 gram of carb is 4 calories )

Generally speaking though, when it comes to macro-nutrients, I find a Carbs ( 60% ), Fat ( 25 % ) and Protein ( 15 % ) ratio is a good all-purpose starting point. Beyond that , you usually have to tweak things a bit between protein and carbs to accommodate any specific protein targets you may have set ( i.e 1 +/- gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight ).
wow thanks so much that is exactly what I was looking for! I really appreciate all of your help.

Thanks for the T-nation link as well, I'll scop eit out today while I'm at work.