I had lipsocution three weeks ago. I weighed 173 at the time of the procedure and now I weigh 163, but almost none of that weight came from the fat that was removed. It was a really insignificant weight change, something like two or three pounds of fat was removed.
Liposuction/Lipsoselection/Liposculpture/Lypolisys (never heard that one!) is ONLY for shaping. I am 5'5" and carry ALL of my weight in my midsection. I have bird legs and it was very hard for me to find jeans that fit, or clothes that looked good on my body. I had a very unnatural female shape. Like an egg on stilts, as I used to call it. If you weigh 220lbs and had liposculpture done, it would make you look weird because you are carrying so much extra weight. You should dedicate at least 6 months to being committed to a diet regimen that works for you and your lifestyle. You should try to get within 20lbs of your healthy weight range for your height. My doctor won't do procedures for anyone that is outside of 30lbs from a healthy weight for their height. It's also VERY EXPENSIVE. I spent $8,500 on the procedure alone, plus all of the additional things you have to buy - prescriptions, adult diapers, bed pads, new bedsheets, plastic coverings for your furniture, a week or more off of work, driving to appointments for at least 3 months after your procedure, over-the-counter medicine, antibiotic creams and ointments - the list goes on and on. It's also EXTREMELY PAINFUL. You have to get massages on the areas that were worked on every day for the first week, twice a week for the next two weeks, and on the days you don't have appointments, you have to have a friend or boyfriend or husband who will do it for you. They also put stents in your body (open drainage), where accumulating fluid can drain out of you throughout the day and night. You drain for about two weeks until the holes close up after the stents are removed. I am at the end of my third week and the wounds on my back STILL DRAIN.
Liposuction is NOT quick fix like people think. It is painful and for people who have unnatural body shapes. Not something for stupid celebrities to look like barbie dolls. I don't look like a movie star now, or have a tiny waist or washboard abs. I just have a natural hourglass shape because I was fit with extra belly fat before I got the procedure, and now you can see my fitness.
Good luck with your dieting! I absolutely love the results from my surgery, but by coupling it with losing more weight and getting to the bottom healthy weight of my height, my results are going to look that much better. You don't want to waste that much money for results that won't really look good if you don't lose the extra pounds first.