Sport luna bar

Sport Fitness
I look at bars of that type as a decent fill in when real food isn't always possible.

No, they aren't as good as whole, organic, real food, and yes, they are processed, but all in all, many of them are still better than lots of other things.

Make sure you also look at the sugar content, many bars are loaded with them, so try to stick with the ones with less sugar.
Stay far away from them.

Have you ever tried making your own protein bars?

Check out this video for a sample recipie:

You can watch the video through google video, this is one of John William's favorites!

I'd like to try making my own bars at some point, it would certainly be cheaper. The thing is, if I have the time to do something like make my own protein bar, then I have the time to make actual food, which goes against the point of eating a protein bar to begin with - protein in a hurry.