Sport Low protein diet to reduce bulky legs?

Sport Fitness
Hi. I am 18, male, slim. But I have bulky thighs! (from too many squats/lunges etc). I want my thighs to match the rest of my body (slim) because I just look odd now. So how do I get rid of my bulky thighs? I currently do a high protein diet, but should I do a low protein diet, so that my thigh muscles will break down? (I think this because protein maintains and builds muscle, right? so if I take away the protein, my thighs will get smaller right?) reducing my protein, would I also lose my abs and other muscles?

Please help me cos I have just gone from eating a high protein to eating lower protein diet. I'm not sure if I should though.
I am in the same boat as you.... big flared out quads. I play soccer and I danced as a kid so I have built up legs over a lifetime. Reducing protein isn't going to help just your legs. What you need to do is cut back your leg training and try to catch up the rest of your body so you look balanced. I am going through the same thing as you... my trainer gave me few leg work outs in the beginning until my upper body caught up. I am getting there. If you run or do other "leg" cardio you aren't really going lose much muscle or strength... you probably don't need to lose leg mass, just build upper body mass.

I am no expert, but that is my opinion.

If you lower your protein and calorie intake you will lose mass everywhere, not just your legs. Depending on how active you are, you may not even lose much in your legs because you are using them all day. Your body will catabolize from other sources first. Do some running and your legs will slim up quite fast. Ever seen a runner with huge legs? NO. Keep your diet and make sure that your other training is up to par. Make sure you know what you are doing when you hit your upper body and you should balance out just fine.