Weight-Loss low fat

Im not saying here that I am going on a diet ,however I have decided to try a new lifestyle and new way of eating.
I dont consider myself obese but I am about 25 pounds overweight.

I have now decided to try eating low fat stuff and developing it as a way of life,
I thought long and hard about the no carb thing but after the thinking had ended I decided that wasnt for me.

The past 2 days I have been eating different styles of salads .
I have been eating fish..

I am no longer wanting to eat red meats ..

Its been a long time since I have had any cereal but I have purchased a few foods by the brand name ..Kashi..

I purchased a box of their crackers and a box of their cereal.

I do walk ALMOST everyday and when I do its about 3 miles.


I am curious if anyone has ever transformed to this type of life style and what their out come was?


One thing you have to remember is that "low fat" doesn't automatically = healthy. In fact sometimes it can be just the opposite since they may add sugars and other additives to make up for the loss of fat. I would try a balanced diet of carbs/fats/proteins if you are doing this as a lifestyle change. Check the stickies on this board for some good guidelines. You can use some calculators like as well to help you track what %'s of fats/carbs/proteins you are getting.
you could say I "transitioned" about 15 years ago... to a "healthy foods" lifestyle... I didn't touch fast foods, fried foods, desserts, anything remotely unhealthy...

And ya know what -i gained about 125lbs... :D

Because I didn't grasp completely that fat free/low fat - weren't calorie free - that just becuase it was healthy - that it didn't have calories.

IF you want to lose weight -the way to do that - is part of a lifestyle change -and to have a reasonable amount of calories...
check the stickied thread in this (nutrition) forum

you'll find a link to the harris benedict formula...

that will give you a good range to shoot for