Weight-Loss low fat craze and snacking?



New member
I have read a few articles that have said how low fat pretty much means just empty calories (manufacturers just add more sugar)...that the fat that is naturally in these foods help you feel full. For some foods, I do follow this rule. I try to not eat margarine as it is one molecule away from plastic..and the taste of real butter on some toast is pretty good. I have also read that these lower fat versions are even more processed, and thus, not the best for your body. Which brings me to snack foods. I find the best snack foods to keep me full are natural foods, such as nuts and fruits. Granola bars don't really seem to do it for me. I also try to drink a ton of water until my next meal. Sorry for the rambling...late night thoughts. What do you all think? Do you check out all the macro nutrients in the foods you eat?
Welcome to the forum! Pre-packaged stuff isn't great. Fruits, vegetables, protein smoothies, and plain popcorn (buy a popcorn popper) are better options. Also, by me they sell these baked chickpeas that are lightly salted, that's one of the better packaged options.
Hi Amanda,

Like Butterfly88 said, pre-packaged food isn't great. Even whey they market it as "healthy", check the labels. There's frequently hidden sugars or crap to make it tastier. Also I would def aim for more protein in your meals. While nuts and fruits may be better than packaged foods, they won't really preserve/increase muscle mass and stimulate fat loss by themselves and can actually turn into fat if mixed together.
I totally agree. Eating real food like nuts and fruit is way better for your health than processed 'low-cal' snacks. Much of the negative effects of sugar have to do with the spike in insulin they cause your body and good healthy fats help reduce this effect which is why when you're eating something sweet such as fruit, you should always eat it with some fat such as nuts. That's why nature often puts the two together!