Weight-Loss Low Energy Levels - Help please!



New member

I just started a diet in which I am eating porridge for breakfast (with a few fruits and nuts), meat and complex carbs (veg only for now) for lunch and dinner. I am avoiding refined sugar completely and snacking on fruit (typically 2-3 pieces per day). I haven't put any restrictions on quantity and am actually eating quite a lot.

I have been doing this for about a week now and have 2 issues:

1. I feel very low energy at some points in the day - usually late afternoon. Is this because I am now accessing fat reserves for energy? Does anyone have a similar experience that they can relate? Is there something I can snack on that will help boost my energy levels so that I can get through my (usually quite long) work day?

2. I have wind. It must be all the vegetables. Am I actually the only one?

I haven't been eating any brown rice or any other grains or potaoes. It looks as though these were my weakness so I am keen to stay away for a few weeks and then gradually reintroduce small amounts earlier in the day.

Advice is gratefully received.


Have you cut out caffeine? Were you used to having something sugary or caffeinated as an afternoon snack?

When you change your diet drastically, it sometimes takes your body time to adjust. It really has nothing to do with "drawing on fat for energy" .. it's just getting used to a different diet.

If it doesn't get better, you might give a try to logging your foods to make sure you're getting an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, and calories. And if you are, and you're still feeling fatigued, make an appointment with your doctor, just in case.
Its also sounds like you're going relatively low on carbs - you could end up with low blood sugar during the day and feeling drained? You could try grabbing some carrots to perk things up. You may also want to pick a 'carb up' meal once a week to eat rice or other starchier food and sort of refill your system.

As for the wind issue... probably all the fiber, but generally your body adjusts to it. If not, there's always Bean-O. ;)