Sport Low Carb/High Protein Diet- Can I still gain muscle?

Sport Fitness
I am embarking on a high protein diet but staying away from all starchy carbs (breads) and eating no sugars/ fruits or dairy products. I am trying to consume at least 60 grams of protein a day in the form of soy and whey shakes. I am a vegetarian so I do not eat meat products. Is it possible for me to still gain muscle this way as I am strength training 4 days a week and I will be doing cardio 4 - 5 days as well? I have done it in the past but it has been a while so I'm hoping I can do it again. Any thoughts? All the reading I have done claims that low-carb diets promote muscle loss but I'm not sure if this is only because most of these diets don't take into consideration people who up their protein intake and those who also weight train..
if you would like to gain muscle you should be getting about 1 gram of protien per pound, personaly i say dont cut fruits out of your diet because they are good for you, skim milk is good, buy a big bucket of whey protien (i dont know if that is against vegitarians) and mix it with skim milk, they have low carb whey protien poweders ... thats what i use
How many total calories are you planning to take in? And what foods are there left to eat? Those are my main questions as I don't see how in the world your going to get at least 1500 calories a day without eating any meat/fruit/dairy. What is the deal with the fruit anyway? Is it the sugar? And I agree with cschuh19, that is not enough protein and your already cutting out carbs...that only leaves fat. It is also not advised to have meal replacements (i.e. shakes) account for more than 2 of the 5-6 meals a day you should be eating.
Sorry I didn't offer any help I am just completely perplexed by this whole notion.
I am only cutting out the fruit and dairy for two weeks. After that I'll bring it back in. But I don't eat bread- just whole grain sugar free crackers instead. My main source of carbs comes from vegetables. What I am trying to say is that I don't eat rice/pasta or breads so I consider my diet low carb. I aim for 100 grams of protein a day ( I weigh about 123lbs) but don't always make it. I am drinking two whey shakes a day at 23 grams of protein each and eat soy burgers that have 18 grams each as well. I don't know. I'll just have to see. I think everyone's body is different to be honest with you. I've already seen my body getting toned. I appreciate the advice. I know it would be different if I were a guy trying to build major mass, but I'm just trying to gain maybe 5-10 lbs of muscle.
I know there are whey protein powders that have higher protein, the one I take is 50 grams per serving, no carbs.If your looking for more protein that is.
Yeah, thanks. I've seen those but from what I've heard women aren't supposed to consume more than 30-35 grams of protein at a time. Maybe I should find one with around that much at least.
Karma said:
Yeah, thanks. I've seen those but from what I've heard women aren't supposed to consume more than 30-35 grams of protein at a time. Maybe I should find one with around that much at least.
women can digest that much in a sitting.
"women can digest more then 35g of protein in one sitting"

this is made up.

so it the 30g protein max per meal rule - think about it, if that were true, then a 250lb bodybuilder would have the same limitations as a 100lb weed.

umm.. as for the thread starter - why cut out dairy? and by cutting out wholewheat breads pastas and rices, you ar cutting out yourbodys main source of energy. carbs make the body work! they are even needed to utilise the proteins you are eating!

in short, the low carb idea you have is not the best.

eat your complex carbs, just eat them before 1pm.

you will struggle to get the protein intake you require as you don't eat meat. humans are designed to eat meat. if we hadnt eaten meat it is unlikely that we would be here now. however, fibrous carbs (vegetables) do contain SOME protein - just not of the same quality and it's molecular structure is not Complete.

with the soy.. don't overdo it. it's not a good thing.
Thanks for the reply and info. As for the comment on humans being designed to eat meat- I will never agree with you on that one. I have been a successful vegetarian for almost eleven years now. I have also managed to gain a significant amount of muscle on a strict diet eating only soy protein and non- meat proteins as well. There are many famous athletes out there that are also vegetarians that have been reached their goals without the need for meat-based diets.
As for the diet I was posting about, I agree with you 100%. I was just on a kick that week. I have since resorted back to my healthy ways including eating whole grains which definately gives me lots more energy for my workouts!