Low Carb Crap


New member
My wife and I started our diets at the same time. she did the low carb and i did low calorie. she lost more faster then me. now a year later she gained most of hers back and lost ALOT of muscle and she is alot weaker. your muscles need the carbs. lack of carbs will equal loss of muscle. she is now on a low calorie diet. read this and make sure you click here for part 2. read up and learn about carbs before you try a low carb diet.
oops forgot the site.
To be honest, there's a whole host of reasons as to why she may have gained weight instead of you.

I partly agree with you: your body needs carbs to function. However it also needs calories. You haven't said what exactly your low calorie diet involves. I've learned so much from the experts on this site - it's not enough to talk about a low-calorie diet. The fact is that sustainable weight loss requires a careful balance of nutrients so unless you get this right chances are your body's missing out on what it needs.

I suppose I can't say anything concrete until I know more about what exactly your low-calorie diet involves.
Indeed Tony.. I sure hope there's a part 2 because the Anthony Ricciuto site only talks about carbs...elementary stuff really

PS: Thanks Tony :)