Weight-Loss low blood sugar



New member
Does anyone have trouble with low blood sugar.
Mine on a regular day is between 70-80.(normal is around 100-110)
I didn't realize I was bringing up my sugar with candy. Now that I am dieting I don't want to do that. Any suggestions for a quick rise in blood sugar with out blowing my diet.
I have low blood sugar...what I do is make sure I eat, usually some type of protien every 3 hours. I can't leave the house without bringing a cheese stick or some type of bar. Give it a try. Good luck!!
About some 6 years ago, I am now 43, I too started getting "dizzy" after not having eaten any food for 3 hours or more so my uncle told me that I may be Diabetic, I don't know. Anyway, he suggested that I use orange juice so now I always have a small bottle of "Sunny D" on hand, I realize that the OJ has "sugar" but I think this is a much better ioption that say "soda" and I don't think that there is anything that will replace the sugar needed for this or am I wrong?