Love to run, still need to loose my spare tire...any help?

I'm new here, hoping for some helpful hints, o I run often, four or five days a week doing 3 to 5 km each time. There really is no rhyme or reason to it, no marathons planned, I just need it to feel good and get a break from the kids and life. Of course I love what it is doing to my legs and starting to do to my butt, but I still feel that a bit more flab than I am comfortable with (none would be nice) hangs over those skinny pants. I weigh 130 and am 5'8 so I know I could stand to lose 5 to 10 lbs still.
I can't get to the gym, and eat fairly healthy, (no fried food, no fast food) so what now? My calories are not that high...Should I cut sugar out? :confused: (please say no) or all fats (i'm pretty sure meat is good for protein, so I'm assuming no) or do something else with my running? I run that in about 20- 25 mins. and mix it up already with jogging and "farlek" (kind of like HIIT), to do real HIIT I'm assuming I would have to shorten my time and do more intense bursts, but I really enjoy the time and length of this right now...but willing to hear any suggestions, start including sit-ups since I can't hit the gym?? I have implants so peck work is scarry for me, they feel so weak. Maybe lunges? I don't want bigg muscles though, I'm long and lanky and just want to be skinnier.

Hello Kaddy,
You could probably lose some more fat with just exercising properly- but I'm afraid it won't be too much and it would take pretty long as well. You know, if you want to lose fat effectively the right diet is just as important as working out. You should have 5-6 meals a day with one source of protein and one carb each. Also - sorry - but you should at least try to reduce your sugar intake to a minimum if you can't cut it out completely. Oh yeah, don't cut out all the fats - cut out the bad (trans and saturated) and go for the good (mono- and polyunsaturated).
It all depends on your goals and how far you're willing to go. I encourage you to browse through the nutrition topics, they're quite helpful.