Lots of weight to lose!!

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Hey, I'm Brad, a college student here in beautiful missouri. Right now I am 6'1" and weigh 255-260 lbs. and I would be thrilled to be 50 or 60 lbs. lighter by next summer. Think I can do it??

I would really like to find an online weight loss buddy with about 20% bodyweight to lose. My IM is flamedragon06 if anyone's interested.

Good luck all!
Welcome Brad! Some people can lose that much weight in that period of time, it just depends on your body and how dedicated you are to losing weight. Just remember, the slower you lose the weight, the more % fat the weight loss will be and the easier it will be to keep the weight off in the future. When you drop weight very quickly, the weight loss is actually from muscle and water. You will read about that if you look around at the different topics. Good luck!
I think that you can totally do it! I would offer to be a buddy, but I am pretty close to my goal, and I think that guys would find more in common as far as diet and exercise than those of the opposite sex... but keep posting here, and we will keep encouraging you!!!
Welcome! Yeah, I think you can gain your goals by next summer if you're consistant (and inconsistant by switching your routines around some so you're less likely to hit a platau) and keep at it! Good luck!
Of course you can! I think its great you recognize a reasonable goal & have the energy to tackle it...just know there will be some stumbling blocks but stay strong and you will succeed!
best of luck to you
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