Lost2.5 lbs

I started running after schools. I run 1 mile a day. Its my new habit. I take 5 breaks between the mile to catch my breath and stretch. So much damn garbage around!!! Damn litterers. Well I lost my man boobs. I become very tired after and take naps more often than when I never ran.. Is it from working out the night before till 12:30 or is it just fatique from running. maybe i'm not getting enough food. my health teacher calculated that i require 4000 calories a day wow!! ya thats what i said. I get less than this maybe thats wire im tired?
4000 calories?

Thats quite a bit, even for a man. What is your height and weight currently?

Also, you might need to sleep better each day, make sure you eat your healthy breakfast of good super foods and energy boosters. Some orange juice or some nice 100% juice.

Once you tell me your weight and height, we will see how much calories you really need.